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Blog Carnivals

Pacha Supports Family Conversations about Obama, Sandy and Clean Air

November 29, 2012
History doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes ~ Attributed to Mark Twain One of the highlights on Election Night 2012 was when Obama alluded to Hurricane Sandy in his victory speech , saying that we all want our children to live in an America that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a...
Dave Room's picture

Rising Above Dirty Air: From a Grandmother

November 29, 2012
It is hard to think of breathing as a luxury—but for my granddaughter that is her constant reality. Our family lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, which is one of the smoggiest cities in the country, largely because it’s surrounded by a ring of five coal-fired plants. In the five generations that...
Patricia Moore's picture

Proposed Baltimore Energy Answers Incinerator

November 29, 2012
I am Katie Fink, one of the Environmental and Climate Justice Leadership Fellows working specifically on Region 7. I am originally from Baltimore, and therefore have a particular interest and stake in Region 7's environmental and climate justice issues. Because of this, I recently had and eye...
Anita's picture

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Mountaintop Removal Coal Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

November 29, 2012
Those fighting for the mountains and those who make the mountains their home have won a crucial victory. On Thursday, November 15, 2012, Patriot Coal became the first U.S. operator to stop large-scale mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining. Patriot Coal is known for destructive large-scale mining...
Angela Garrone's picture

Clean Air: A Civil and Human Right

November 29, 2012
Five year old Micah looks longingly out of the window of his Portsmouth, VA home as the kids walk home from school as they plan to toss their book bags on their beds, grab a snack and run back outside to enjoy the final daylighthours playing with friends before dinner. Micah won’t be able to do any...
Anita's picture

Moms stand up for pesticide-free air in California's Central Valley

November 29, 2012
When a child's health is on the line, moms will often stand up in truly courageous ways. Like the mothers in the small, rural community of Lindsay, California who were concerned about how pesticides were affecting their children. These central valley moms enrolled in a project back in 2006 to...
Kristin Schafer's picture

Can air pollution contribute to Autism?

November 29, 2012
A new study says: Yes, air pollution may be a factor contributing to autism . Researchers at the University of Southern California and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles looked at 500 children in California, half of whom had autism, finding that pollution may affect the developing brain among children...
Diane Bailey's picture

The Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition

November 29, 2012
Asthma is the single most common chronic condition among children in the United States – currently 7 million children suffer from asthma. It is the leading cause of missed school days and accounts for more than $10 billion in health care expenditures each year. Now more than ever, we need to work...
Cara Baldari's picture

Latinos and the Environment: Moving From Concern to Action

November 29, 2012
History will almost certainly mark the 2012 election as a turning point after which the Latino vote was one of the most powerful forces shaping the nation’s political landscape. With an average of 878,000 Latino citizen children reaching voting age every year for the next two decades, future...
Catherine Singley's picture

Sandy: Devastation, Destruction, Reality Check

November 29, 2012
Is climate change a real crisis? This is the question many of us have been asking ourselves in the aftermath of Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy. We have had hurricanes in the past. But nothing like Sandy has ever hit New York City. For those of us who have been warning people about climate change to no...
Maisha McGill's picture
