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Blog Carnivals

Disney Cartoons and Black Female Doctors -- What's the Connection?

February 13, 2013
It’s Black History Month, and when it comes to that history in cartoons, the news hasn’t always been good. For decades cartoons, mostly by the Disney corporation, featured lots of white characters and lots of black stereotypes. But as the song says, the times they are a-changin’. In recent years...
Martha Burk's picture

New School Foods: Beyond Burgers and Fries

December 7, 2012
Jessica Johnson may be new to her position as the Food Service Director for Sycamore School District in Cincinnati but she is no novice when it comes to finding innovative ideas to keep her students and staff smiling. Since Johnson started her job just more than one year ago, she has had to work...
Kate Uslan's picture

Making Room at the Table: Addressing Differences in Diet During the Holidays

December 7, 2012
What happens when one of us changes? There’s something about a person shifting eating habits that seems to scare the crap out of loved ones—especially during the holidays. Gathering with family and friends to celebrate and reconnect, the boding we do over food is rich with ritual and tradition. We...
Jacqulyn Hamilton's picture

2% Milk and Fruit – this is a big deal!

December 7, 2012
So, as I was making my way to the kitchen in my office suite this morning I noticed a really nice fruit basket on the main island. I did not think much about it – I rent office space from a management company and they just finished a kitchen renovation, but given my profession (dietitian), I am...
Tracy Fox's picture

Bringing Water Back to Schools

December 7, 2012
Have you checked out the water fountains at your kids’ school lately? See any like the ones you remember from your childhood? If so, are they in good working order? And how does the water taste? Sad to say, the prevalent drinking fountains of our youth are all but relics of the past. At many...
Manel Kappagoda's picture

Quinoa Salad

December 6, 2012
Quinoa (KEEN-wa) was once called “the gold of the Incas,” or “mother grain.” The Inca tribe turned to this ancient grain to increase the stamina of their warriors and believed the grain to be sacred. I, like the Incas, also believe Quinoa packs a powerful punch. The punch our body needs, craves and...
Vianney Rodriguez's picture

Confessions of a Sneaky Baker

December 6, 2012
December and baking go together. When the temperature drops outside, it’s nice to be inside baking something that warms up the house and fills the air with inviting smells. All too often, however, those lovely baked-goods mean extra empty calories for the whole family. And at a time when unsettling...
Diana Donlon's picture

Lunchroom Drop In

December 6, 2012
Let me preface by stating that I’m somewhat of a food snob and food purist. I haven’t consumed anything from a fast food chain in about 5 years and the very sight of highly processed packaged foods make me cringe. As a mother, doctoral candidate in nutrition and the daughter of pescatarian parents...
Chinara Tate's picture

Bringing Food Back To The Kitchen

December 6, 2012
As a child, I always loved going to my best friend’s house because her parents would take us out to eat for every meal. I knew that spending the night at her house meant we were going to wake up, go to the local deli where I would order a massive ham and cheese omelette, eat it all, and then drive...
Amanda Ryan's picture

A Simple Chile de Arbol Salsa

December 6, 2012
This recipe was originally published in my blog, Presley’s Pantry . I started making this simple salsa many moons ago, as a fast tasty sauce for my tacos. Just a handful of ingredients and a few minutes and you have the ultimate salsa. I love the simplicity of the chile de arbol and tomato...
Nicole Presley's picture
