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Blog Carnivals

Sugar, Diabetes and Whack-a-mole

March 15, 2013
Dr. Robert Lustig’s groundbreaking study linking sugar and diabetes should motivate all parents to up their game of junk food whack-a-mole. The researchers found that in countries where the incidence of diabetes went up, the availability of sugar had increased earlier and in roughly the same...
Casey Hinds's picture

Junk Free Schools: A Blog Carnival

March 15, 2013
UPDATED - April 10, 2013 As a chef, food justice activist, and author, I’m thrilled to introduce this MomsRising Blog Carnival – Junk Free Schools! Many children consume up to half of their daily calories at school, and 40% of students purchase snack food at school. Today, schools across the...
Bryant Terry's picture

Keeping Vigil on the Vending: Why National Standards are Important

March 8, 2013
This story from Seaman High School in Topeka, Kansas shows that despite the best intentions of schools and the hard work of teachers, trying to create an environment with healthier vending choices can be extremely difficult and time consuming. National standards on competitive foods sold in schools...
Kate Uslan's picture

The Forward on Climate Rally – a Mother’s Reflection

March 1, 2013
This past President’ Day my oldest child turned 18 and instead of celebrating his young adulthood with him, I was across the country standing on the National Mall with more than 40,000 strangers. While I may sound like an uncaring mom, the opposite is true. I’d gone to Washington DC precisely...
Diana Donlon's picture

#BlkBFing: Making HERstory! A Black History Month blog carnival on breastfeeding and African American mothers

February 26, 2013
Good news arrived earlier this month in a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on breastfeeding rates. The CDC found that from 2000 to 2008, the percentage of women overall who initiated breastfeeding increased from 70.3 percent to 74.6 percent. During the same time...
Diana Derige's picture

Saving Ourselves: Increasing Representation and Changing the Black Breastfeeding Narrative

February 26, 2013
As I travel the country in my consulting work, I’m always asking everyone and anyone if they knew of any African American IBCLC's. Sometimes I use my intrepid journalism skills and other times I must use more grapevine and Underground Railroad-like pathways. In some cities, there are stories and...
Kimberly Seals Allers's picture

Growing Strong: A story about Quenesha and her son, Amor

February 26, 2013
Baby Amor was born on February 6, 2012, weighing 1.92 pounds. He had surgery – with many complications – and was held in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Cook County Stroger Jr. Hospital for seven months. In March 2012, with generous support from the VNA Foundation , HealthConnect One and...
RoiAnn Phillips's picture

Progress, Momentum, and Social Media

February 26, 2013
There’s no doubt about it – public awareness and support for breastfeeding is at an all-time high. In fact, we just may be reaching the “tipping point.” Recent years have seen an unprecedented level of attention and commitment to improving the “landscape of breastfeeding support” and the media has...
Cathy Carothers's picture

Answering the Call: Black Surgeon Generals All Promote Breastfeeding

February 26, 2013
Reflecting on Black History Month, we have a tendency to hear stories about the Rosa Parks, Mahalia Jackson, Jackie Robinson-type icons who broke through color barriers to lay the foundation of a better future for people of color. As a doctoral student studying public health, I am proud that in the...
Tyra Gross's picture

Memories of Breastfeeding

February 26, 2013
During my pregnancy there was no doubt in my mind that I would breastfeed my daughter, why wouldn’t I? So in my excitement as a first time mother to be I read a number of ‘Mothers & Babies’ magazines and websites on the issue. I prepared myself aptly by purchasing what was said to be the best...
Tokunbo Koiki's picture
