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Blog Carnivals


June 12, 2013
Four of my favorite people in the world call me Junie (their special name for their grandfather). Granny and I have been married for almost fifty years. We’re grandparents to four delightful grandchildren. I’d like to offer my input from a grandfather’s perspective as to why Father’s Day is such a...
Charlie Dotson's picture

Family leave and self-employment

June 12, 2013
I just watched my three year old “graduate” from her first year of preschool. It was a cute ceremony, and the room was filled with parents that sat in long rows with their cameras trained on the kids up front. But it's also 11am on a Friday, and that means I was one of the only dads in the room...
Grant Dotson's picture

Real Nurturing Leave

June 12, 2013
When my partner and I were graced with the news that we were expecting our first child, I was in my fifth year of service as an assistant professor in a research university. Tenure reviews are generally scheduled for the sixth year of service. Thus, in the academic profession, this is the crucial...
Scott Kurashige's picture

An Organizing Dad

June 12, 2013
I’m a Dad. Even three years and two kids later, defining myself in that way still seems somewhat surreal. I’m also a Community Organizer. I have been for 13 years... and believe me that’s often very surreal as well. You see, the life of an Organizer isn’t like most. You are seen as a community...
Adam Sotak's picture

The Evolving Role of Men Regarding Work and Family Leave

June 12, 2013
In addition to the individual stories being shared for the Father’s Day blog festival for, I wanted to provide an overall discussion of the rapidly changing role of men in this discussion around a workplace supportive of employees and their family responsibilities. Often when there...
Stan Kimer's picture

Marvin, Tammi, Misha and Daddy

June 12, 2013
When my wife and I adopted Misha Gabrielle, our oldest daughter was a two-week old infant in the late summer of 1998, the last thing we had thought about was my paternity leave. My wife was working at a relatively progressive college, and she was able to take eight weeks off before returning to...
Mark Anthony Neal's picture

Supporting LGBT Workers and Their Families in Times of Need

June 12, 2013
Every day, LGBT Americans face unexpected emergencies or life events requiring their care and attention—a worker comes down with the flu, a child is born, an adoption is finalized, a sick child is sent home from school, an elderly loved one is hospitalized. Many LGBT workers learn at these critical...
Jared Make's picture

Newtown Action Alliance Honors Our Victims by Demanding Change

June 11, 2013
Newtown is mostly quiet again now, especially in the tiny business center of Sandy Hook - just around the corner from the site where our shuttered elementary school still stands. You can’t see Sandy Hook School from the road, and the driveway remains closed and guarded. But people all around our...
Miranda Pacchiana's picture

Will Mothers Be the Champions of Gun Control?

June 11, 2013
This story originally appeared in Mamiverse . Two months have passed since the Newtown tragedy, and while most of us are able to continue our lives as usual after our initial shock, disbelief and horror, the parents of the 20 children killed that day cannot. The families of the teachers killed that...
Lorraine C. Ladish's picture

Is Gun Safety Really Better in the U.S. Compared to South America?

June 11, 2013
On December 14, 2012 innocent children and educators were victims of Adam Lanza, a mentally disturbed man who had easy access to guns and ammunition that should only be accessible to the military; no civilian should have access to this type of artillery. The United States' gun laws are too lax, and...
Diana Limongi's picture
