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Blog Carnivals

Food Marketing to Kids: Real Progress Requires Better Protections

October 31, 2013
Food marketers are pioneers on the frontier of marketing, producing some of the most engaging and sophisticated advertising around. Too bad they are using such creativity to target kids with sugar, salt, fat and other junk. The examples come so fast we can barely keep track of them (though we try...
Lori Dorfman's picture

25 Halloween Candy Alternatives that Won’t Make you Scream

October 31, 2013
This Halloween, when shopping for candy, why not ditch the fun size bars for something really fun without breaking the bank? To say that I have a sweet tooth would be similar to suggesting that fish like to get wet. I still have strong childhood memories of exactly which houses gave out the best...
Jeannette Bezinque's picture

How Big Food Is Targeting My Toddler

October 30, 2013
This post, How Big Food Is Targeting My Toddler , was previously published at , AlterNet, and at It is part of the MomsRising Healthy Halloween Blog Carnival. “Dora, mama! Dora!” I’m walking with my 22-month-old daughter through Target, and I’m not surprised to hear her...
Pamela Mejia's picture

Mom vs. Sugar

October 22, 2013
Although I love the month of October for changing leaves, cooling temperatures, apples, cider, and squash, there is also a sense of dread that comes over me. Along with the ghosts, spiders, and vampires, there is a bit of unease about the upcoming battle between a mom and the candy industry. As...
Kate Uslan's picture

National School Lunch Week with Healthy Food! A MomsRising Blog Carnival #HealthyEdu

October 11, 2013
Welcome to the MomsRising blog carnival for National School Lunch Week with Healthy Food! We're delighted that you're here and we have many thoughtful, informative posts for you from a diverse group authors as you scroll down this page. Today starts National School Lunch Week and this is a...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

In My Dominican Family, Food is Very Important

September 30, 2013
In my Dominican family, food is very important. It has been a challenge balancing flavor with health consciousness, but we do our best. I have three children, two who attend independent schools and one step son who attends a public middle school in the Bronx. My step son recently moved to New York...
Cindy Bautista-Thomas's picture

Grateful for School Lunch Improvements

September 26, 2013
Confession. Making my kids lunch every day is hard for me. I’m not proud of this. I am a mom that works in childhood obesity prevention, I have overhauled the snack program at our daycare, I am active in the local food movement, and I’m the mom that doesn’t bring chips or cookies for the baseball...
Kate Uslan's picture

This 50th Anniversary I’m Ready to Work

August 28, 2013
This afternoon I’m headed to the Lincoln Memorial for the 50th Anniversary celebration of the March on Washington. Today’s event is both a commemoration and call to action. Thousands are gathering to remember the 1963 March and to outline the remaining civil rights agenda. At times the 2013 civil...
Fatima Goss Graves's picture

Moms Get Real About Race in America: A Blog Carnival in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

August 28, 2013
This blog carnival was updated twice on Thursday, August 29th, 2013. Introduction by the members of the MomsRising Education Fund Board of Directors: Ai-jen Poo , Executive Director for National Domestic Workers Alliance Barbara Arnwine , President & Executive Director of the Lawyers' Committee...
The members of the MomsRising Education Fund Board of Direct's picture

Fifty Years On: Toward a Politics of Inclusivity

August 27, 2013
My 5 year-old son and I have had two conversations about the police -- or “la policia,” as we call them – already this week. In the first, he declared to me that “all police are not bad.” That’s part of a larger and ongoing post-Trayvon talk we’ve been having this summer (more on that here ). Then...
Lisalyn R. Jacobs's picture
