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Blog Carnivals

Black Girl Proud

August 27, 2013
I knew from the beginning that I was a black girl and I was proud. I have my mother to thank for that. She taught me and my sister to be proud of being black. My parents filled our home with relics of black pride. Daddy loved listening to Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff, Momma preferred Billie Holiday...
Emma Akpan's picture

Are All New Mothers Endowed Equally?

August 27, 2013
There could be a lot of reasons I see everything through a race lens. I have a biracial son, for instance, and I know I’m going to get questions about why a whole lot of folks who look like his mother seem to live differently than the folks who look like his father. I’m also a political scientist...
Julie Ajinkya's picture

What Does Race Have to Do with a Woman’s Salary? A Lot.

August 27, 2013
Race/ethnicity has always created a dividing line in the United States, and it’s no different with the pay gap. Each year, AAUW’s The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap addresses this question, and, of course, the answer is that the pay gap affects all women. But it doesn’t affect all women...
Katie Benson's picture

Wise Words from Daughter about Adopted Korean Brother

August 27, 2013
We've come a long way since the Civil Rights March on Washington. It's commonplace nowadays for a family to adopt a child from another country. There's still much to be done regarding society fully embracing diversity, but teaching our children to be open-minded is a good start. -Maria Adcock,...
Julie Nelson's picture

The Social Justice Movement Emerging in North Carolina

August 27, 2013
The kids were sitting “crisscross apple sauce” and waiting for story time to begin. Almost a thousand people gathered in Durham, North Carolina to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday -- a sea of black, brown, and white faces looking expectantly at the stage. And when Ms. Virginia Williams stepped up to...
BethM's picture

For Whites (Like Me): On White Kids

August 27, 2013
Note from the author: Fifty years after the March of Washington we have so much more to do to make sure the dream for which so many gave lives during the Civil Rights Movement is truly birthed. Those of us who are white, and who are persuaded of the meaning and truth of the dream, must (and can)...
Jennifer Harvey's picture

Reflections on being an at-home dad

July 10, 2013
Today's the last day of my paternity leave, so I wanted to reflect a bit on the experience. When I tell people I'm on a 4-month leave, the initial response is typically surprise that my company offers such a generous benefit. Facebook's paternity leave policy is unusual, but I hope it becomes less...
Tom Stocky's picture

Family Leave Meant a Strong Start for My Son, My Family and Me

June 14, 2013
Eight years ago, our first son was born. Like many, I found becoming a parent to be an amazing, life-changing experience. I was humbled by the realities of this new responsibility and overwhelmed by the love that I had to give. Nine months of anticipation only partially prepare you for parenthood...
David Uy's picture

Fathers have become unicorns

June 12, 2013
Fatherhood is a lifestyle. Fatherhood should not just something that you get to do after work, on the weekends or when you are allowed to by the courts or the mother. Fathers live for the betterment of the lives of their children. It is very disturbing that we live in a society that has bestowed...
Brandale Randolph's picture

Investing in families pays off

June 12, 2013
The birth of my daughter came just about 1 year after starting a new job in the non-profit sector. I was fortunate in that the organization I work for is run by warm and kind people who appreciate and value the staff. Our staff of seven people were also fairly young on average when I started, and...
Peter Walz's picture
