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Blog Carnivals

Promoting good health begins with breastfeeding

February 26, 2013
Written on behalf of USLCA. The greatest public health challenges facing the U.S. today are not the acute illnesses of a generation ago. Today’s challenges cannot be overcome with a dose of antibiotics or a childhood vaccine. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses are the...
Debi Ferrarello's picture

Reports Say Black Women Don't Breastfeed...

February 26, 2013
I am so happy to share with you this list of black women who breastfeed! If you check the current data on black women and breastfeeding you’ll most likely find reports saying that we do not breastfeed, we have the lowest rates, we only breastfeed for 3-6 months, etc. I would like to know where are...
Darcel's picture

Black Moms Are Raising Volume on Breastfeeding

February 26, 2013
Fear. Indifference. Disdain. These are the emotions that too many African American mothers feel regarding the decision to breastfeed. Instead of having the cheerful "breast is best" line sung to them from family members, colleagues and even physicians, some black mothers have to fight through a...
Christina Caldwell's picture

Breast Milk, The Best Milk

February 26, 2013
I am an African American woman breastfeeding currently, so I wanted to share my story and why it is so important to Breast Feed, if you are able! Breastfeeding is the best thing that you can do for your baby and at the same time it is the biggest sacrifice you will EVER make in your life. When I...
Charee Hall's picture

Racial Breastfeeding Disparity Disappears at Baby Friendly Hospitals

February 26, 2013
One of the biggest issues in breastfeeding is the disparity in breastfeeding rates among different races. (Read: Is there a “soft bigotry of low expectations” when it comes to breastfeeding? ) The gap between African American women and women of other races, while closing, remains the most salient...
Best for Babes's picture

Breastfeed or Bottle

February 26, 2013
Baby #3 is almost here!! Can you believe it? I often get the question, "Are you going to breastfeed or bottle feed?" For me it was really never a question for this baby or my other two. Breast is Best. I know some moms choose to bottle feed and we all have our reasons. So, I make it a point not to...
Bernetta Knighten's picture

Engaging Fathers and Partners and Garnering Their Support of Breastfeeding

February 26, 2013
As I reflect on my 16 month (and counting) breastfeeding experience, I think about the elements that have been critical to such a wonderful stage in the life of me and my child: the desire to breastfeed, education, resources, and support. I always knew that when I had a baby, I would breastfeed. I...
April Walter Brown's picture

Breastfeeding: Obesity, Diabetes and Asthma Prevention

February 26, 2013
When it came to breastfeeding my two amazing children, it was an easy choice to make. I wanted to be sure I provided my children with the very best start in life and I understood that breast milk was considered the very best first food. Being born African American, we are already predisposed to...
Anjanette Davenport Hatter's picture

Fighting Sickle Cell with Breastfeeding

February 26, 2013
My daughter was born 3lbs and 12oz, on February 10th 2011 at 37 weeks. She was tiny for her gestational age because she experienced, Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). I had an emergency C-Section and she was placed into the NICU. I was determined to breastfeed my daughter prior to her birth...
Cheyenne Mateen's picture

Beyond Controversy: Black Breastfeeding & Social Media

February 26, 2013
When it comes to breastfeeding, major media outlets have pretty much decided that it’s a leisurely activity that some women may engage for their entertainment. Seriously, discussions of the topic are deemed newsworthy by the extent of controversy they create. Last year, there was this thing with...
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture
