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Blog Carnivals

When Change Happens

February 28, 2012
Seven years ago, I found myself in a predicament. I was a 23 year old college student who worked as a cocktail waitress in a cigar lounge. I found out I was pregnant and had to quit my job in order to eliminate secondhand smoke exposure to my unborn child. I had no insurance at the time and didn’t...
Daryn Kirkpatrick's picture

Text4Baby Empowers Moms With Info on the National Breastfeeding Helpline

February 28, 2012
I’m a mother of four and currently I’m pregnant with my fifth child (a baby girl). With each pregnancy I have had many new questions arise concerning my little one growing inside of me. The main question, I had throughout my first pregnancy was are these Braxton Hicks contractions or actual labor...
Canielle Preston's picture

Emphasizing healthy child development – from birth to adulthood

February 28, 2012
It is encouraging that more children are now enrolled in health insurance programs. As health insurance costs have risen and employer-based family coverage declined, the two federal programs designed to provide health services for kids —Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)—...
Matthew Wright's picture

The "Connecting Kids to Coverage" Challenge is an important tool toward improving children's health

February 28, 2012
CHIP and Medicaid have been a stable source of health care coverage during uncertain times. With a weak economic recovery that has been slow to add new jobs with access to employer-based insurance, Medicaid and CHIP continue to be key sources of coverage for children. Thanks to CHIP and Medicaid,...
Karen Crompton's picture

Boosting health care enrollment for pregnant women and kids in MI

February 28, 2012
There are 123,000 uninsured kids in Michigan- enough children to stretch 70 miles if they held hands, fill 2,236 school buses and form 13,666 little league teams. Decreasing that number through “on the ground”, community-based enrollment was the focus of our work as Cycle 1 CHIPRA grantee. With...
Erin Sloan-Turner's picture

Connecting Kids to Coverage and Making it Meaningful for Moms (and Dads)

February 28, 2012
Getting and keeping health insurance is one hurdle that the Michigan Primary Care Association (MPCA) has worked to overcome as part of the Connecting Kids to Coverage Challenge. We’ve enrolled nearly 2,000 children in coverage through our statewide outreach efforts and because of Michigan’s unique...
Natasha Robinson's picture

Here’s a Tip: Why Your Waiter Needs a Real Minimum Wage

February 15, 2012
Why worry about the hourly wages that waiters get paid by their employers – their real money comes in tips, right? That’s the logic that has left the hourly wage for tipped workers at $2.13 per hour even as the national minimum wage has moved above $7.00. My recent research makes it clear, however...
Anna Haley-Lock's picture

UPDATED x3: Stop Shortchanging Women! A Blog Carnival to Support Raising the Tipped Minimum Wage

February 14, 2012
The federal minimum wage for tipped restaurant workers has been $2.13 for the past 20 years. That’s right! Two dollars and thirteen cents can’t even buy a gallon of gas or milk; yet, it is the hourly federal minimum wage for thousands of restaurant workers – most of whom are women! “I have worked...
Monifa Bandele's picture

18 Short Personal Stories from Tipped Workers Who Have Been There

February 14, 2012
A blog carnival on tipped workers' wages wouldn't be complete without the voices of those working for tipped wages themselves. Below are just eighteen of the hundreds of personal stories submitted by MomsRising members. Take a look and share your responses in the comments. We'd love to hear your...
Monifa Bandele's picture

Fighting Gender Inequality in the Restaurant Industry

February 14, 2012
Name a country where large numbers of women legally earn less than minimum wage and have to drag themselves to work sick or risk losing their job. To all the places that come to mind, add the United States of America. The workers in question are employed in one of the largest and fastest growing...
Ellen Bravo's picture
