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Childcare & Early Education

boy playing baseball with mom

#5Actions of the Past Week: July 20, 2018

July 20, 2018
It's Friday! And hopefully a beautiful day wherever you are. Summer is hopefully a time when you can relax and tune out a bit. And that's why our weekly #5Actions round up of top actions from the past week is so useful. Please scroll down and make sure you've checked all of these urgent calls-to-...
Karen Showalter's picture

Building Partnerships at the Grassroots Movement for Child Care and Early Education

July 16, 2018
Last week I had the amazing opportunity to press pause on the day to day responsibilities of raising four young kids and juggling my work as the affiliate director of the New Hampshire Association for the Education of Young Children. I flew to Washington, D.C. with some of my favorite MomsRising...
Sarah Sadowski's picture

When love doesn't pay the bills: Why supporting quality affordable childcare is good for all

July 16, 2018
Last month, I represented MomsRising as part of the first ever Grassroots Assembly on Childcare and Early Education. Seventy five policy and advocacy groups came together to discuss the state of childcare in America. We came from all over the country; from the inner city of Detroit, the beaches of...
Regan Lamphier's picture

How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War

July 11, 2018
Mass shootings. Nuclear weapons. A robbery at your local corner store. Where do you start when you have to explain this stuff to your kids? Today, issues involving violence, crime, and war -- whether they're in popular shows, video games, books, or news coverage -- reach even the youngest kids. And...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018
We are SO INSPIRED by the hundreds of thousands (yes! HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS) of people who rallied last weekend all over the country in support of immigrant children and families! Your voices are making a difference! We have already defeated two very bad immigration bills in the last few weeks...
Karen Showalter's picture

Show you do care: The moment is NOW to stand up for children!

July 2, 2018
My father came to the United States when he was about 14 years old, full of the hope that every immigrant feels. He worked hard building houses, raising a family and teaching us to love our country. My mother, also a daughter of immigrants, shared his love and sense of justice. I can’t think of any...
Joan Lombardi's picture

Join the Movement for Childcare!

June 27, 2018
I had my 20-week ultrasound last week for our first baby and my partner have never been more over the moon...and terrified all at the same time. Nothing could make the fact that we are going to be parents more real than seeing our sweet baby girl sucking her thumb on the screen (I mean could she be...
Nina Perez's picture

Parent-Child Literacy Activities to Combat Summer Slide

June 22, 2018
For as long as I can remember, books have been my comfort and my refuge. I was also incredibly lucky to grow up in a family where I was given many opportunities to be read to and interact with books and stories including over the summers. But for many children, reading may not be as pleasurable and...
Tara Sarathy's picture
cartoon superhero mom flying to the stars

#5Actions of the Week: June 15, 2018

June 15, 2018
June is LGBTQ Pride Month, and all of us at MomsRising are excited to celebrate—and we also recognize how much work we still have to do to reach full LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, etc) equality in our country. This Pride Month, let’s remember that policies that impact people...
Karen Showalter's picture

How I Found Affordable Quality Summer Care

June 13, 2018
Around this time every year, parents across the country struggle with the financial and logistical burdens of summer child care. This summer, I won’t be worrying — I know my sons are going to be active and taken care of. And the best part? I won’t even have to pay for it. Our school district in...
Fernanda Perez's picture
