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Childcare & Early Education

Supporting Infant and Early Child Development: What is Early Intervention

May 3, 2018
Infants and toddlers learn a tremendous amount in their first three years of life. Sometimes a child’s development doesn’t progress as expected, and a child needs some extra help in meeting developmental milestones. Early intervention is meant to help infants and toddlers meet their developmental...
Tara Sarathy's picture

A Conversation with a Parent Advocate on How to Access and Navigate Early Intervention

May 3, 2018
Recently I spoke with Jen Dryer, , an educational consultant and parent advocate in Washington, D.C., who helps parents navigate the complex and emotionally challenging process of getting their children, who have or are suspected of having a developmental delay, the services...
Tara Sarathy's picture

How to Help Kids Dodge Cigarette, Vaping, and Pot Marketing and Stay Smoke-Free

April 27, 2018
Whether or not you smoke cigarettes or support legalizing marijuana, you probably don't want your kids lighting up. But the rise of e-cigs , vaporizers like the Juul , and decriminalized pot may make your standard anti-smoking arguments -- "it causes cancer," "it's illegal" -- feel a little shaky...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Calling Durham, NC parents of kids 0-8: we need your opinion!

April 26, 2018
Calling all Durham parents and caregivers of kids 0-8: we need your opinion! What’s been your experience with preschool or other childcare arrangements? What would your preferences be for early care and education for your children? We want to know! Can you quickly share your thoughts? These are...
BethM's picture

Join Us For a Kids' Day of Action!

April 20, 2018
In a political climate hostile to our most vulnerable populations, including children and their families, California has provided a beacon of light for sensible policy. Nonetheless, with an economy that ranks as the sixth largest in the world, California still has the second worst standard of...
Jaclyn Kohleriter's picture

No Turning Back

April 20, 2018
A new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released last month, “K-12 Education: Discipline Disparities for Black Students, Boys, and Students with Disabilities,” reminds us once again that suspensions and expulsions continue at high rates and offer grave risks to students. The report by...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Child Opportunity and Stability Starts at Home- with Fair Housing

April 13, 2018
Fifty years ago this week the Civil Rights Act of 1968, also known as the Fair Housing Act, became law after passing Congress in the wake of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s assassination. The Fair Housing Act prohibited discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race,...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

How to Fill the Rest of 2018

March 29, 2018
Congressional leaders are mulling what to do for the rest of the year. We have a list of ideas for them, but we want to hear from you.
Lecia Imbery's picture

This Is the Bare Minimum You Should Do to Protect Your Family's Data

March 29, 2018
For a lot of families, technology is maybe not a way of life but the glue that holds everything together. There's your kid's Instagram feed you follow to see what they're up to. There's your school's online network you check for homework and grades. There's the mapping app that gets you to your...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Feeling Vulnerable and Being Courageous as Your Child’s Best Advocate

March 28, 2018
I think we lose sight of the beauty, the most beautiful things I look back on in my life are coming out from underneath things I didn’t know I could get out from underneath. You know, the moments I look back in my life, and think, those were the moments that made me — were moments of struggle...
Tara Sarathy's picture
