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Childcare & Early Education

Robin from VA: Why Head Start Matters to our Family

November 2, 2017
The U.S. Congress is just weeks away from unveiling a tax bill that would give 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%. Meanwhile, low and middle-income families across the country will be left footing the bill through higher taxes and cuts to vital health care, nutrition, and education programs. Concerned...
Abbie Gately's picture

Why We Need to Protect Undocumented Parents

November 1, 2017
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) released their 2017 Race for Results report. The report this year takes a close look at immigrant families, and there is one finding that the executive leadership of AECF repeatedly emphasized during their release event: if we want immigrant children...
Isabella Higgins's picture

The Sneaky Science of Hooking Our Kids on Technology

November 1, 2017
Behind the apps, games, and social media is a whole crew of folks whose job is to make their products feel essential. Many of the techniques they use are ones outlined by experts in human behavior, including Nir Eyal author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and BJ Fogg of Stanford University's Persuasive Technology Lab. Harris argues that these methods "hijack" our own good judgment. Most teens care deeply about peer validation, for example. So it makes sense that friends' feedback on social media -- both the positive and the negative -- would tug at you until you satisfy your curiosity. You have a phone in your pocket, so why not check now? And now. And now?
Caroline Knorr's picture

Halloween Roundup: Have a fun, spooky, and safe holiday!

October 27, 2017
Also featured on our blog , check it out here: At MomsRising, we want your family to have the best - and safest - Halloween possible! From toxic chemicals to food allergies, there are many spooky things that could...
Abbie Gately's picture

Parlez Vous Español?

October 25, 2017
*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: Yes, Si, Oui! My daughter is currently on a unique language journey that she has unknowingly embarked on since birth. The...
Marysol Perez's picture

Robyn from WA: Why WIC Matters to our Family

October 25, 2017
The U.S. Congress is just weeks away from unveiling a tax bill that would give 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%. Meanwhile, low and middle-income families across the country will be left footing the bill through higher taxes and cuts to vital health care, nutrition, and education programs. Concerned...
Abbie Gately's picture

Say NO to $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to wealthy corporations!

October 24, 2017
Over the next few weeks, the U.S. Congress will try to pass a tax package. While the promise was to make changes that would help families like yours and mine, the current track outlined in the budget would give $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and giant corporations. Yes,...
Abbie Gately's picture

Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Condescendence Is Not What We Need

October 23, 2017
Let’s be honest, as parents of a child, or children, with special needs of any kind, not just Down syndrome, it takes years to learn and understand that condescendence has nothing to do with inclusion, and in the end, it has nothing good to offer to our children. As the parent of two children with...
Eliana Tardio's picture
Take Action!

Councilwoman’s Right to Breastfeed Being Challenged

October 23, 2017
Stunned. Outraged. That’s how I felt yesterday when I saw the news that Councilwoman Catherine Emmanuelle in Eau Claire, Wisconsin was illegally barred from breastfeeding her baby at the council dais during council meetings--because the council president decided that breastfeeding didn’t meet “our standards of decorum” for meetings.
Tina Sherman's picture

Hablando de Mamás con poder….

October 16, 2017
Llegué a este país hace 15 años a hacer mi maestría. Como muchas otras, me quedé, me casé y hace ocho años tuve la gran fortuna de ser mamá. Fue allí cuando comenzó mi aventura en el mundo de la maternidad -en la cual sigo todos los días. Hace siete años, cuando mi niña más grande cumplió un año me...
Victoria Kenny's picture
