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Childcare & Early Education

Celebrate Holiday Traditions With #MomsReading

December 7, 2016
As the Holiday season approaches, it is the perfect time to explore other cultures and traditions with your child. How? We’ve got you covered! Below are some book suggestions and fun activities that will help strengthen your child’s social awareness skills. Social awareness is one of the five...
Abbie Gately's picture

MomsRising on President-Elect Trump’s Appointments

November 29, 2016
Taken together, President-Elect Trump’s appointments to date present a significant threat to our democracy, to the people of our country, and to our economy: · Rep. Tom Price , nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services, has made dismantling the Affordable Care Act a landmark goal of his...
Kristin's picture

4 Things Military Families Have In Common With Everyone Else

November 21, 2016
Military families and civilian families have more in common than you might think. Finding those commonalities are super important to strengthening both of our communities.
Rebecca Alwine's picture

Protegiendo a Nuestros Niños de Intimidación y Acoso

November 12, 2016
Hemos escuchado de padres de familia con niños en edad escolar de todo el país que están sintiendo ansiedad como resultado de la elección. Padres de familia que tienen dificultades para tratar de asegurar que los niños en sus comunidades se sientan seguros ante el aumento de la intimidación y el...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

Protecting Our Kids From Bullying and Harassment

November 11, 2016
We are hearing from parents of school-aged children across the country who are feeling anxious as a result of the election. Parents who are struggling with how they can make sure the children in their communities feel safe in the face of increased bullying and harassment in schools. We hear your...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

How to Speak to Our Children about the Outcome of the Election

November 9, 2016
Last night as the news outlets spoke of statistics and predictions, my social media feed and email flooded with the same theme and question from most parents. They were all anticipating the conversation they would have with their children about the outcome of the election. It is a difficult...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

November 9th, 2016: Moving Forward Families to be Stronger Together

November 9, 2016
This morning we woke up to a very different world than the one we woke up to yesterday. So many questions linger in the air, and the uncertainty of what happens next is weighing on all of our minds. The biggest weight on my shoulders today is how do I explain this to my son? How can someone who...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture

Como Hablarle a Nuestros Hijos Sobre los Resultados de las Elecciones.

November 9, 2016
Anoche, mientras los noticieros analizaban estadísticas y hacían sus predicciones sobre las elecciones, mi correo electrónico y mi redes sociales se inundaron con mensajes y preguntas de padres con la misma preocupación. Todos estaban anticipando el tipo de conversación que tendrían con sus hijos...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

How Your Parenting Style Resembles Our Political System

November 2, 2016
I was embarrassed that I had welled up to the point where my nose and my eyes could no longer function properly. I attempted not to take a huge breath or blink since tears were going to pour. From the stage I listened to Heather C. McGhee tell all of us that we needed to listen and understand one...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Como Se Parece la manera en Que Criamos a Nuestros Hijos a Nuestro Sistema Político

November 2, 2016
Me avergüenza admitir que me emocioné hasta el punto en que mis ojos y mi nariz no podían funcionar apropiadamente. Traté de no respirar ni pestañar para evitar un chorro de lágrimas. Desde el escenario Heather C. McGhee nos hablaba de la importancia de escucharnos y comprender nuestra condición...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture
