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Childcare & Early Education

Addressing Implicit Bias in Early Childhood Settings

October 3, 2016
My son was 3 years old when I was accepted into my Masters program. As soon as I received my acceptance letter, I started looking for preschool programs for him. I knew very little about what to look for in a program. He was my first child and it would be the first time he would be in a full-time...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

Social & Emotional Needs of Students: An Islamic Perspective

October 3, 2016
As an educator of 30 years, I have come across various methods of disciplines such as Lee Canters’ assertive discipline, Jim Fay’s teaching with love in the classroom and the classroom management techniques provided by the Master Teacher Video Series. Mind you all of these programs have merit and...
Fahmeeda Hassan's picture

Latino SchoolChildren and Toxic Campaign Rhetoric

September 28, 2016
Working in two school districts with various teaching assignments, I’ve witnessed a variety of issues and concerns serving students from many backgrounds and walks of life. One particular issue that developed since last fall, is the younger children's emotional grasp of the political landscape that...
Clarissa T's picture

GIANT Thank You for Dayton Early Learning Champions!

September 28, 2016
We are getting geared up to deliver a GIANT thank you card to local Dayton, OH leaders for being early learning champions on October 19th! Yes – you heard that right! Mayor Nan Whaley and Dayton City Commissioners Matt Joseph, Jeffrey J. Mims,Chris Shaw, and Joey Williams have been leading the way...
Nina Perez's picture

My Spanish/English Coffee Cup

September 27, 2016
My dad always called me a Café con Milk kid when I was growing up. A mixture of two different cultures that, when joined together, turns into it’s own unique creation. Part of that special brew also included being a dual language learner during my earliest years.
Nina Perez's picture

My Family Won't Wait

September 25, 2016
I was supposed to spend the first part of last week in Washington, D.C. coming together with women activists from around the U.S. to learn and organize so that women are poised to act and lead in this 2016-2017 election. #WeWontWait is about raising our voices to prioritize the needs of women and...
Meredith Tweed's picture

Put On Some Music and Dance!

September 22, 2016
Dance is my bestfriend. Dance has not only taught me how to be patient with myself and my body, but it has also taught me how to be patient with others. Movement for me brings peace of mind and spirit. It helps me deal with situations without using words. I was introduced to dance at a very young...
Diarra Diouf's picture

Child Watch® Column: Ending Child Poverty: A Moral and Economic Necessity

September 16, 2016
Poverty data just released by the U.S. Census Bureau reveal child poverty declined last year to 14.5 million poor children from 15.5 million in 2014, one million fewer but still higher than before the recession began in 2007.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

MomsRising on Donald Trump’s Paid Family Leave & Child Care Proposals

September 13, 2016
This morning, Donald Trump’s campaign announced that it would roll out policy proposals aimed at reducing child care costs and providing new mothers with up to six weeks paid maternity leave . Right now, America’s families and economy are facing a crisis. So it’s good, but not surprising to see...
Kristin's picture

Child Watch® Column: Teaching for Success: Welcoming and Respecting Every Child

September 9, 2016
As a new school year begins, how do we teach Black and other non-White children and youths and all those who are poor or have special needs to ensure their successful readiness for the future? How do educators and all those with primary responsibilities for preparing children for the future understand that every child is sacred and deserves fair treatment? How do we create a pedagogy that respects the unique gifts of our diverse child population and nation of many colors and faiths and become a beacon for our multiracial multicultural world?
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
