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Childcare & Early Education

Child Watch® Column: The Early Childhood Infrastructure Our Children and Nation Urgently Need

October 14, 2016
Whether children will have a strong foundation is in large part determined by the social and physical environments in which they grow up. The first five years of a child’s life are the time of greatest brain development. If young children’s basic needs are met by experiencing consistent, nurturing interactions with loving adults, they are far more likely to meet their full potential. The United States has not made the necessary investments to support young children and families after the seismic shift from stay-at-home moms and two parent families to the current reality of two-parent-working families, or often single working moms with young children today. The major advances in what we now know about early childhood brain development make these investments more urgent. Our aging early childhood infrastructure is in dire need of repair. While we wait for critically needed investments, there has been important progress.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Growing Pains in the Teenage Brain

October 11, 2016
Why are teenagers so much more impulsive and more emotional, than adults? “It’s all about the brain,” said Chandler Todd, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of New Mexico, to an audience of parents at the Albuquerque Academy preparatory school in New Mexico, Oct. 5, 2016. Teens...
Dora Calott Wang's picture

Why do we need mindfulness at school?

October 11, 2016
Both adults and children can benefit from mindfulness training, especially in the sometimes-challenging public school environment. Mindfulness is simply the practice of training our brain to be aware of our feelings, our bodies, and our environment in the present moment. Although it is an ancient...
ruby's picture

Mi taza de café en español/inglés

October 7, 2016
Cuando era niña, mi papá siempre me dijo que era una niña “café con leche”. Una mezcla de dos culturas distintas que, al unirse, se transforman en su propia y única creación. Parte de esa mezcla especial también incluye el haber aprendido dos idiomas en mis primeros años. Al crecer, aprendí español...
Nina Perez's picture
Fun FREE Event!

Bring your Halloween costumes and love of early education to Burlington City Hall!

October 7, 2016
Have your kids or grandkids been trying to sneak into their Halloween costumes early? They aren’t alone! On October 24th at 10am I’ll be dressing up for Halloween early with candy in hand to visit the Burlington Mayor’s Office. Why? To send one strong message: Let’s give Burlington kids the treat...
Nina Perez's picture
Dayton RSVP

Join MomsRising at Dayton City Hall on Oct. 19th to thank the city!

October 7, 2016
I’m flying into Dayton on October 19th to join local parents and residents at Dayton City Hall to thank Mayor Nan Whaley and the Dayton City Commissioners for being early learning champions! Can you meet us there and bring your kids, friends, and family? Click here to join me and other MomsRising...
Nina Perez's picture

Addressing Implicit Bias in Early Childhood Settings

October 3, 2016
My son was 3 years old when I was accepted into my Masters program. As soon as I received my acceptance letter, I started looking for preschool programs for him. I knew very little about what to look for in a program. He was my first child and it would be the first time he would be in a full-time...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

Social & Emotional Needs of Students: An Islamic Perspective

October 3, 2016
As an educator of 30 years, I have come across various methods of disciplines such as Lee Canters’ assertive discipline, Jim Fay’s teaching with love in the classroom and the classroom management techniques provided by the Master Teacher Video Series. Mind you all of these programs have merit and...
Fahmeeda Hassan's picture

Latino SchoolChildren and Toxic Campaign Rhetoric

September 28, 2016
Working in two school districts with various teaching assignments, I’ve witnessed a variety of issues and concerns serving students from many backgrounds and walks of life. One particular issue that developed since last fall, is the younger children's emotional grasp of the political landscape that...
Clarissa T's picture

GIANT Thank You for Dayton Early Learning Champions!

September 28, 2016
We are getting geared up to deliver a GIANT thank you card to local Dayton, OH leaders for being early learning champions on October 19th! Yes – you heard that right! Mayor Nan Whaley and Dayton City Commissioners Matt Joseph, Jeffrey J. Mims,Chris Shaw, and Joey Williams have been leading the way...
Nina Perez's picture
