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Childcare & Early Education

¡Cinco formas de ayudar a tu niño a tener éxito en la escuela y en la vida durante las vacaciones de verano!

July 13, 2016
Durante las vacaciones de verano, muchos padres y niños tienen tiempo extra, lo que hace que sea la oportunidad perfecta para ayudar a tu niño a desarrollar sus destrezas socioemocionales antes de que comience el año escolar. Tal vez te estás preguntando, ¿qué son destrezas socioemocionales? Son...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture

Troubled moms and dads learn how to parent with ACEs

July 12, 2016
A father in county jail is ordered to take a parenting class, but isn’t too enthusiastic about it. As part of the class, he learns about the ACE Study, and does his own ACE score. “Oh my god!” he announces to the class. “I have 7 ACEs.” His mother’s an alcoholic. His dad’s been in and out of jail...
Jane Stevens's picture

Child Care Assistance—A Key Support for Working Families—Needs More Robust Funding

July 11, 2016
Quality child care enables parents to work or go to school while also providing young children with the early childhood education experiences needed for healthy development. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the primary source of federal funding for child care subsidies for low-...
Stephanie Schmit's picture

How to Win Mom's Vote

July 11, 2016
More than 20 million moms with kids at home are likely to vote in the presidential election this fall, but the very real concerns they have for their children are too often overlooked. In the 2012 presidential race, nearly 10 million more women than men voted for president – 71.4 million women...
Mark Shriver's picture

I’m an early childhood educator and a mom – and here’s what I wish all parents knew

July 11, 2016
** Para leer este blog en español en Mamá , haga clic aquí : Soy una educadora de temprana edad y madre – y quiero que todo padre sepa esto As a mother of three and an early childhood educator, I’ve seen the power of high-quality early learning from both perspectives. I’ve become an...
Sonia Rivas's picture

Soy una educadora de temprana edad y madre – y quiero que todo padre sepa esto

July 11, 2016
Como una madre de tres y una educadora de temprana edad, he visto el poder del aprendizaje temprana de alta calidad de ambos perspectivas. Me he convertido a una defensora, creyente, y activista de la educación de temprana edad no solo por lo que veo en mi clase, pero también de lo que veo en casa...
Sonia Rivas's picture

Both Moms and Children Benefit from Early Learning Opportunities

July 11, 2016
Today, the majority of moms with young children are working and high-quality child care and early learning opportunities can help them support their families. Nearly two-thirds (64.2 percent) of women with children under age six are in the labor force. The evidence is clear that high-quality early...
Helen Blank's picture

Knocking Down Barriers

July 8, 2016
My journey into motherhood took an unexpected turn with the birth of my son Austin who was born with a developmental disability. Developmental Disabilities include Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Down Syndrome, amongst others. Austin was born in the year 1988, and my...
Deena Mederios's picture

A Mom’s Wish

July 6, 2016
Today is Justin’s birthday. So hard to believe that it’s been 36 years since I first held that little miracle in my arms. So many thoughts and feelings overwhelming me at that moment—relief, pride, exhaustion, wonder, love, protectiveness, and yes, fear. And what new mother doesn’t experience fear...
Wendy David's picture

Lives can change in an instant

July 6, 2016
When I recently attended an advance prescreening of Intelligent Lives, a wonderful film by Dan Habib that will challenge our definition of intelligence when it is released next year, in the discussion that followed the clip, a number of participants from the film were answering audience questions...
Christina DAllesandro's picture
