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Family Economic Security

Listen to Mary: "Our lives depend on ending the government shutdown."

October 4, 2013
In 2006, I was diagnosed with Stage I breast cancer. After surgery and six rounds of chemotherapy, I returned to normal life. Early detection should have kept me cancer free, but after four years, I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer with tumors now growing in my lymph nodes, liver, bones...
Mary Gugich's picture

El Mercado de Seguro Médico para los latinos

September 30, 2013
For English, click here . Muchos vivimos o supimos de alguien quien por la imposibilidad de pagar altas primas de seguro médico, había deteriorado su salud, arruinado sus finanzas o perdido la oportunidad de prevenir una enfermedad mortal. Después de las leyes migratorias, si algo había mermado la...
Ruth Vasquez's picture

The Health Insurance Marketplace for Latinos

September 30, 2013
Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí . Many people go through or know someone who is unable to pay their high health insurance premiums, impacting their health, ruining their finances or avoiding the opportunity of preventing a life-threatening illness. After immigration policies, the...
Ruth Vasquez's picture

OMG! What is Congress Thinking?

September 25, 2013
How badly do some in Congress want to stop healthcare reform from rolling out? So badly that on the eve of implementation they’re ready to tank our nation’s credit rating—significantly damaging our economy—by holding the debt limit hostage in an attempt to stop affordable healthcare options from...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Kids Before Corporations: Why Tax Reform Matters for Moms

September 25, 2013
Last week Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) introduced the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, S. 1533. It might not seem obvious, but Sen. Levin’s bill, which would close corporate tax loopholes and eliminate incentives for shipping jobs and profits overseas, would be a HUGE help for families and children in America...
Margarida Jorge's picture

The Great Unshared Recovery: Millions of Us Are Worse Off Than in the Great Recession

September 22, 2013
Officially, the Great Recession ended in 2009. But after three years of “recovery,” there were 6.7 million more people living in poverty than in 2008, a recession year. We’ve been stuck with 15 percent of our people in poverty for three years. In the 2008 recession year, 13.2 percent were poor...
Debbie Weinstein's picture

An Open Letter to the Employers of America

September 20, 2013
Listen-up employers of America…I’m going to give you five reasons why you should hire more of us – the women who want to work, yet need to be at school for pick-up at three o’clock.
CT Working Moms's picture

Playing Games with Our Kids: Moms vs. Congress

September 20, 2013
Games are a time-honored way of expanding people's knowledge. My mom, who was a single mother throughout my elementary school years, played games with my brother and I in the grocery store when we were young to help make the price right for purchasing our family food on a very limited budget. When...
Kristin's picture

On Growing Up Poor and Why We Should Save the SNAP Program

September 20, 2013
This post first appeared on I grew up on Food Stamps. As a child, that's all I knew. Well, that, and the long lines we waited in for cheese, butter and powdered milk at the end of the month when food ran out. Or the glare looks from men and women in the grocery lines as my...
Chantilly Pantino's picture

Labor Day Shines Light on Challenges, Courage of Low-Wage Workers

August 31, 2013
Shaniqua , a 20-year-old mother, works for McDonald’s in New York City, where she can rarely get 40 hours a week. She struggles to afford food, diapers, and other basics. Nick , a McDonald’s worker in Indianapolis, survives on $800 per month while caring for his chronically ill mother and disabled...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture
