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Family Economic Security

Tips on How to Join a MomsRising Tweetchat

August 30, 2013
What is a MomsRising Tweetchat? MomsRising tweetchats are opportunities to discuss core issue areas related to the economic security and well being of moms and families (like healthcare or food justice) by using a subject specific hashtag. We invite experts in the field to answer member questions,...
Nina Perez's picture

This 50th Anniversary I’m Ready to Work

August 28, 2013
This afternoon I’m headed to the Lincoln Memorial for the 50th Anniversary celebration of the March on Washington. Today’s event is both a commemoration and call to action. Thousands are gathering to remember the 1963 March and to outline the remaining civil rights agenda. At times the 2013 civil...
Fatima Goss Graves's picture

Moms Get Real About Race in America: A Blog Carnival in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

August 28, 2013
This blog carnival was updated twice on Thursday, August 29th, 2013. Introduction by the members of the MomsRising Education Fund Board of Directors: Ai-jen Poo , Executive Director for National Domestic Workers Alliance Barbara Arnwine , President & Executive Director of the Lawyers' Committee...
The members of the MomsRising Education Fund Board of Direct's picture

On the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington – It’s Time for All of Us to Keep Marching

August 28, 2013
This week marks the 50thanniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, when hundreds of thousands of people mobilized for equality, jobs and freedom. The monumental event and the organizing that preceded and followed it helped lead to the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting...
Linda Meric's picture

What About Trayvon Martin's, Oscar Grant's and Marissa Alexander's Civil Rights?

August 27, 2013
According to Wikitionary, "civil rights" are personal liberties established by the 13th and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Our quest for civil rights started as a movement that began in the 1900s, which was primarily led by blacks in an effort to establish rights for individual black...
Carrie Smith's picture

Just jobs?

August 27, 2013
On August 29th, in honor and in continuation of the March on Washington 50 years ago, I will join friends, family, and my community on a march for good jobs . The march is organized by low wage fast food and retail workers, under the banner of 'fight for 15' who are demanding a living wage and jobs...
Charlie Rose's picture

The Social Justice Movement Emerging in North Carolina

August 27, 2013
The kids were sitting “crisscross apple sauce” and waiting for story time to begin. Almost a thousand people gathered in Durham, North Carolina to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday -- a sea of black, brown, and white faces looking expectantly at the stage. And when Ms. Virginia Williams stepped up to...
BethM's picture

Mother, May I….go to work?

August 24, 2013
Every Augu st, Washington seems to empty out, and you can do the unthinkable - drive from one side of town to the other in 20 minutes flat. It takes longer to shop at the farmers’ market, selecting from the cornucopia of seasonal produce, than it does to get through the morning paper, skimpy...
Valerie Young's picture

Friday #FairPay Fun

August 16, 2013
I LOVE it when my campaign issues come up in pop culture - and this week has been a banner week for Fair Pay references. So I had to share! First there is this snippet from Conan O'Brien's August 15th show (find this image and more here ). And then the Internet gave us this amazing video: Did I...
Ruth Martin's picture

To Support Breastfeeding, Paid Family and Medical Leave is Crucial

August 15, 2013
Having the time to bond with a new baby is crucial for many reasons. One reason why those first weeks after a baby is born are so vital is the importance of the breastfeeding relationship. However, for many mothers, that relationship is soon disrupted – as many as a quarter of mothers return to...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture
