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Family Economic Security

Just jobs?

August 27, 2013
On August 29th, in honor and in continuation of the March on Washington 50 years ago, I will join friends, family, and my community on a march for good jobs . The march is organized by low wage fast food and retail workers, under the banner of 'fight for 15' who are demanding a living wage and jobs...
Charlie Rose's picture

The Social Justice Movement Emerging in North Carolina

August 27, 2013
The kids were sitting “crisscross apple sauce” and waiting for story time to begin. Almost a thousand people gathered in Durham, North Carolina to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday -- a sea of black, brown, and white faces looking expectantly at the stage. And when Ms. Virginia Williams stepped up to...
BethM's picture

Mother, May I….go to work?

August 24, 2013
Every Augu st, Washington seems to empty out, and you can do the unthinkable - drive from one side of town to the other in 20 minutes flat. It takes longer to shop at the farmers’ market, selecting from the cornucopia of seasonal produce, than it does to get through the morning paper, skimpy...
Valerie Young's picture

Friday #FairPay Fun

August 16, 2013
I LOVE it when my campaign issues come up in pop culture - and this week has been a banner week for Fair Pay references. So I had to share! First there is this snippet from Conan O'Brien's August 15th show (find this image and more here ). And then the Internet gave us this amazing video: Did I...
Ruth Martin's picture

To Support Breastfeeding, Paid Family and Medical Leave is Crucial

August 15, 2013
Having the time to bond with a new baby is crucial for many reasons. One reason why those first weeks after a baby is born are so vital is the importance of the breastfeeding relationship. However, for many mothers, that relationship is soon disrupted – as many as a quarter of mothers return to...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

When Women Succeed, America Succeeds: Linking Women’s Economic Security and Small Business Success

August 13, 2013
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s press conference last month announcing the House Democrats Economic Agenda for Women and Families, “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds,” ended with Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez’s speech highlighting the importance of the Agenda to small businesses. Congresswoman...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

What You May Not Expect When You’re Expecting

August 12, 2013
Co-written with Katherine Ullman. So you or your partner is pregnant. There are plenty of important decisions to consider: what will be the little one’s name? Will you share the name with friends and family or keep it a secret? What about gender? Do you want to know? Do you want others to know?...
Joan C. Williams's picture

Diverse Children: Improving Outcomes for America’s Non-Majority Child Population

August 2, 2013
This week First Focus and the Foundation for Child Development hosted a congressional briefing in cooperation with Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) and the Congressional Asian and Pacific American Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the Congressional Black Caucus focused on improving...
Wendy Cervantes's picture

Moms, let's talk about health care

July 27, 2013
My name is Angela Warren and I am an uninsured mother of four in Arizona. I had worked full-time since I was 15, but that changed after the birth of my 4th child at 34. For years I went to work at 4:30 AM and was able to provide quality health insurance for my children. I had great coverage as a...
Angela Warren's picture

Urge Congress NOT to raise taxes on families!

July 22, 2013
In 2009, after taking care of my newborn full-time while he was going through chemotherapy, all of our life savings had been spent. Tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) enabled us to--just barely--keep our heads above water by decreasing our tax burden...
Felicia Burnett's picture
