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Family Economic Security

Why My Husband Wishes I’d Choose a Different Profession

April 24, 2013
This blog post originally appeared in Direct Care Alliance . I have been a direct care worker for about 10 years. I truly believe we make a difference in the lives of elders and the sick. I love my work and I get paid well for it, but I don’t get paid sick time or paid holidays. I came here from...
Gabriele Swe's picture

Immigrant Issues are Women's Issues

April 10, 2013
Photo by Cindia Cameron, 9to5 Immigrants come to the U. S. today for the same reason immigrants have always come here – for the promise of freedom and a better life that is America. We have built our country on the belief that we achieve greatness as a nation when all of us have a fair chance at...
Linda Meric's picture

The Real Value of In-Home Care Work in the United States

April 10, 2013
This article originally appeared in the Institute for Women's Policy Research . Baby Boomers, estimated at nearly 80 million in the United States, began turning 65 in 2011.By 2020, the population of older adults is expected to grow to 55 million from 40.4 million in 2010. As more women enter the...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture

A Head on Desk Moment: A MomsRising Blog Carnival on Equal Pay

April 9, 2013
I’m having a head/desk day. You know the kind; where you just want to bang your head on your desk because you’re so frustrated. Why? Because today is Equal Pay Day – the day that marks how far into 2013 women have to work to earn what men earned for the same work in 2012. And at the rate we're...
Ruth Martin's picture

Unequal Pay Day for Immigrant Women

April 9, 2013
Each year Equal Pay Day highlights the continued disparity in pay between men and women in the United States. In 2011 women who worked full time and year round earned only 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. That wage gap persists and is even more pronounced in the immigrant community: An...
Ann Garcia's picture

Why Immigration Is A Women’s Matter

March 29, 2013
(Photo: In a packed Presbyterian church in D.C., the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health brought down the house with chants for dignity and respect of all immigrant women. The event, held on March 18, 2013, brought out 500 people, including NLIRH members, Congressional leaders,...
Elisa Batista's picture

Congresswomen Hold Press Conference on How the Ryan Budget Would Impact Women

March 20, 2013
Yesterday I had the opportunity to take part in a press conference held by several Congresswomen on what the budget proposed by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) would do to women and their families (that’s me standing in front of the flag!). We’ve previously highlighted the ways the Ryan...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture

Why I Like Paul Ryan, But Not His Budget

March 20, 2013
Years ago, I attended an event on economic policy where now-Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), was speaking. After the event, I introduced myself to him and shared that I was a former Hill staffer. I told him that, while I disagreed with nearly everything he...
Randi Schmidt's picture

HERVotes on protecting families from the "Ryan budget": A blog carnival

March 19, 2013
Tomorrow the House of Representatives will vote on the Ryan Budget. It is devastating to women’s advancement and to programs that women want and need. It is the budget that women overwhelming voted against in the 2012 election with a decisive gender gap. HERvotes , with its 52 women’s organizations...
Eleanor Smeal's picture

A Single Mother With a Childcare Subsidy Writes to Paul Ryan

March 19, 2013
To Whom It May Concern: I'm a single mother with two kids under 3, a full-time student, and working, so I don't have much time to write. But I have to tell whoever is willing to listen that the daycare subsidy I receive has saved my life. I'm able to go back to school to get the kind of job that...
Nan Mooney's picture
