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Family Economic Security

Why Immigration Is A Women’s Matter

March 29, 2013
(Photo: In a packed Presbyterian church in D.C., the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health brought down the house with chants for dignity and respect of all immigrant women. The event, held on March 18, 2013, brought out 500 people, including NLIRH members, Congressional leaders,...
Elisa Batista's picture

Congresswomen Hold Press Conference on How the Ryan Budget Would Impact Women

March 20, 2013
Yesterday I had the opportunity to take part in a press conference held by several Congresswomen on what the budget proposed by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) would do to women and their families (that’s me standing in front of the flag!). We’ve previously highlighted the ways the Ryan...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture

Why I Like Paul Ryan, But Not His Budget

March 20, 2013
Years ago, I attended an event on economic policy where now-Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), was speaking. After the event, I introduced myself to him and shared that I was a former Hill staffer. I told him that, while I disagreed with nearly everything he...
Randi Schmidt's picture

HERVotes on protecting families from the "Ryan budget": A blog carnival

March 19, 2013
Tomorrow the House of Representatives will vote on the Ryan Budget. It is devastating to women’s advancement and to programs that women want and need. It is the budget that women overwhelming voted against in the 2012 election with a decisive gender gap. HERvotes , with its 52 women’s organizations...
Eleanor Smeal's picture

A Single Mother With a Childcare Subsidy Writes to Paul Ryan

March 19, 2013
To Whom It May Concern: I'm a single mother with two kids under 3, a full-time student, and working, so I don't have much time to write. But I have to tell whoever is willing to listen that the daycare subsidy I receive has saved my life. I'm able to go back to school to get the kind of job that...
Nan Mooney's picture

Americans Want a Fair Budget Now! We Demand Congress Stop Giving Tax Breaks to the Richest 2%

March 19, 2013
The phrase “Let them eat cake,” supposedly uttered by Marie Antoinette reflecting her obliviousness to the plight of the people, could be attributed to some members of Congress. Blind to the real hardships faced by millions of Americans and ignoring what the majority of voters in this country want...
Linda Meric's picture

This Is Not a Joke.

March 19, 2013
It's not a horror movie. It's not a terrible dream. And it's not the punch line of an awful joke. This is real. And it's important. The 2014 national budget that Representative Paul Ryan just proposed, which the U.S. House is expected to vote on this week, is all cuts and no revenues . That's not...
Kristin's picture

Leaning In, Lifting Up, and Making Success Achievable for All Women

March 14, 2013
A little over 25 years ago, Dr. Heidi Hartmann dashed between meetings and a part-time fellowship in a 1969 Buick with a couple of boxes of files dedicated to research on women’s economic security in the back of a rather sizable trunk. This corner of Dr. Hartmann’s Buick can safely be referred to...
Jennifer Clark's picture

Leaning Together: A MomsRising Blog Carnival

March 13, 2013
This week, traditional and new media outlets are abuzz with news about Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In. For once, the focus of the media is on workplace policies and practices that directly impact women and families. So we're taking the tiger by the tail! In celebration of all women,...
Kristin's picture

Think this Doesn't Matter to You? Think Again.

March 13, 2013
Childcare costs more than college . Mothers with equal resumes are hired 80 percent less of the time than non-mothers and are offered lower starting salaries. It costs over $200,000 to raise one child from birth to age 18 (not including college). All of this is happening every day in the backdrop...
Kristin's picture
