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Family Economic Security

Celebrating FMLA: But We Can’t Wait 20 Years to Fix It

February 8, 2013
This blog post originally appeared at the Coalition of Labor Union Women . It is hard to believe that 20 years have passed since the Family and Medical Leave Act became law. The Coalition of Labor Union Women was an active proponent for years, and passage of family and medical leave was a critical...
Carol Rosenblatt's picture

Making the Workplace Friendly for Everyone’s Familia

February 7, 2013
Photo: Margaret W. Nea, Bread for the World Have you ever had to choose between keeping your job and caring for a sick family member? Not really a fair choice, is it? Unfortunately, for many people, and Latinos in particular, being a responsible employee and being a good family member are mutually...
Alicia Criado's picture

FMLA: An Essential Piece of the Puzzle

February 6, 2013
As breastfeeding advocates, we know the incredible impact the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has had on millions of families across the nation. Day after day moms come forward ready to share the story of their breastfeeding journey, telling of the barriers they faced and the ways they overcame...
Cathy Carothers's picture

FMLA 20 Years On: A Disconnect That's Hurting Families

February 5, 2013
This column originally appeared in The Hill's Congress Blog . Today is the 20th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act, the first bill President Bill Clinton signed into law and the first national law ever to help workers meet the dual demands of work and family. In the two decades since...
Debra Ness's picture

Member Voices: What Ancient Sparta Taught Me About Motherhood

February 5, 2013
Having a baby is not for the faint of heart. We women put our physical safety on the line to be pregnant and deliver a baby -- even American women, who have access to the most highly educated of medical professionals, the most advanced of medical technologies, and the most gleaming of sterile...
Kelly Singleton's picture

MomsRising Celebrates and Looks Forward to Expanding on FMLA with Our Partners

February 5, 2013
Today we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA. Legislation that has been used an estimated 100 million times – by moms and dads to take care of new babies, by adult children to care for ailing parents, by husbands and wives to care for a spouse with a serious...
Kristin's picture

United Steelworkers Marks 20 Years of FMLA – Statement and Testimonials

February 5, 2013
“In my current career, I have had the blessing and misfortune to use FMLA twice. Once to bring a child into the world, and once to grieve the loss of my eight-year-old son. I am fortunate that my union contract has expanded the benefit beyond the basic requirement of the law, but that expansion...
Leo W. Gerard's picture

A Battle for My Rights and My Life: Learning About the Family Medical Leave Act and How to Survive

February 5, 2013
Sharing my story hasn't been easy, but I have faced a lot of battles in my life and this is just one more I know I can conquer. My hope is that by telling my story, as painful as it is, I am able to help other cancer patients who have been harassed or wrongfully terminated by their employer and...
Vivienne Parra's picture

Even the Most Committed Workers Need Sick Leave

February 5, 2013
One year ago, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis announced a proposed rule change: The Flight Crew FMLA Corrections Act. Since that time, we've witnessed the near completion of this correction that will provide peace of mind and real protections for thousands of families. We celebrate the 20th...
Veda Shook's picture

Make FMLA’s Promise Real—Together

February 5, 2013
On Feb. 5, let's celebrate 20 years of The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Since 1993, the FMLA has been used more than 100 million times, helping 35 million people keep their jobs and health insurance while caring for a family health crisis or a new baby. That's truly something to celebrate...
Elizabeth Shuler's picture
