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Family Economic Security

Puzder Withdrawal a Victory for American Workers

February 15, 2017
Today, Andrew Puzder withdrew his nomination to be the United States Secretary of Labor, a major victory for America’s working moms, dads and families and a demonstration of the power of grassroots activism. Half of all primary breadwinners are moms. The U.S. Department of Labor is critical to the...
MomsRising's picture

#5Actions For This Week — #KeepMarching!

February 13, 2017
Well, that was a whirlwind of a week last week. Whew. It’s already Monday again! And here are the Top 5 Actions Of The Week for this week. You can take one action a day, or all five on the same day; you can take action any time of day or night, your choice! One thing is clear: The increased number...
Kristin's picture

Earned Sick Days for ALL of Rhode Island!

February 10, 2017
The news out of Washington D.C. has been dark and disturbing over the last few weeks, but good things are still moving forward here in Rhode Island – and YOU have the power to help turboboost this important progress. This week, Rhode Island lawmakers introduced legislation that would enable working...
Sara Alcid's picture

Efforts to Repeal Affordable Care Act Miss First Deadline but Still Push Forward

February 10, 2017
Within hours of taking the oath of office, President Trump took steps to continue the GOP’s pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act. His Republican counterparts on Capitol Hill, however, missed their first self-imposed deadline on passing legislation to do so. President Trump signed an executive...
Lecia Imbery's picture

From My Heart To Yours #RevolutionaryLove

February 10, 2017
Then: Election Night November 8, 2016 I fell asleep. The votes were still being counted. At three in the morning, I could feel this weird buzzing in the air. My love was awake, the cell phone light illuminating his face. He looked like he had been reading for hours. With my voice still sounding...
Tunu Thom's picture

Why I'm Joining the Moral March on Raleigh

February 9, 2017
I have lived in North Carolina since I was two years old, and now I'm raising my son here. I have personally been from Murphy to Manteo (not all in one day!) and I truly love this state. I attended the very first HKonJ (Historic Thousands on Jones Street) 11 years ago, and almost all of them since...
ruby's picture

Five Ways to Be a Kickass Healthcare Advocate!

February 7, 2017
As you have probably heard by now, Congress is trying to repeal health coverage by gutting the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is a big deal. Independent, credible experts agree that a repeal of the ACA without an immediate replacement would leave almost 30 million people uninsured, including 4...
Abbie Gately's picture

#KeepMarching! Top 5 Actions For YOU This Week! #5Actions

February 6, 2017
Wow. We’ve gotten A LOT of good feedback that our new program of #5Actions a week coming to you on Mondays is helpful. THANK YOU! Here are the #5Actions for this week with an important note: You are making a difference! We’ve seen President Trump and many in Congress walk back threats to...
Kristin's picture

Still We Rise: 9 Amazing Ways YOU Made an Impact for Women and Families in 2016

February 3, 2017
Before we get too far into the New Year, I wanted to take a moment to thank our MomsRising supporters for powering incredible MOMentum in 2016. Looking back, it wasn’t that long ago that women’s and family economic security -- from paid family leave to equal pay – were barely part of the political...
Kristin's picture

Washington State MomsForce: 5 Actions in 5 Minutes

February 3, 2017
Wow – it has been a big week. Families in Washington state and across the country are still reeling from the harmful directives coming from the new administration. Now, more than ever, Washingtonians are counting on the power of state and local advocacy to move the dial for children and families...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
