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Family Economic Security

Moms Group Calls on U.S. Senators to Shut Down Senate, Block SCOTUS Nominee

February 1, 2017
Since taking the oath of office, President Trump has pursued an agenda that undermines the values of our communities and the democratic principles that make our nation great. With so much at stake, it is critical that the U.S. Supreme Court remains an independent check on Presidential authority -...
Kristin's picture

Control our Money, Control Our Destiny: Women’s March 2017

January 26, 2017
I attended the Women’s March in Washington DC over the weekend. It was exhilarating and gave half a million participants an inspiring feeling of “yes we can!” I am still on a high from the sense of power in numbers and community I felt on that day. One of the speakers, Kierra Johnson, the Executive Director of URGE, pointed out in her speech that “If someone else controls your body, it is they and not you that control your destiny.” Amen. I only wish that the women’s march could have articulated a parallel message: if you don’t control your money, you don’t control your destiny either.

#WhyIMarch - for myself, for my family, for all of us

January 24, 2017
My name is Nancy and I live in Manchester NH. I am a mother. I am a waitress. I am strong and I am an activist. I have used my life experiences as motivation to speak out about what I believe in. In April of 2012, I gave birth to my first son Hunter. He was already a fighter weighing in at 2 lb 10...
NancyGlynn's picture

We Marched! Now We Rise: 5 Actions You Can Do From Anywhere

January 23, 2017
This past Saturday, January 21st, millions of people marched at over 600 Women's Marches across our nation and world. The combined total of people who took to the streets in cities from Washington, D.C. to Seattle and all cities in between is historic. Saturday's marches were the starting line. Now...
Kristin's picture

Human Needs Report: The 115th Congress Begins

January 18, 2017
The 115 th Congress convened on Jan. 3 and hit the ground running. The Coalition on Human Needs just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report , our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations, with a look at what Members of Congress have...
Lecia Imbery's picture

Secretary of Labor Violations?

January 18, 2017
“My experience at Carl’s Jr. left me feeling hopeless. I tried to communicate the problems experienced with my supervisors, and yet the problem continued and nothing was done about it. If Andrew Puzder allowed these things to happen at a company like Carl’s Jr, how would he protect workers across...
Lecia Imbery's picture

Thousands Nationwide Come Out to Fight Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

January 18, 2017
The line of cars snaking into the parking lots at Bowie State University was the first clue that on January 15 people in Maryland were determined to stand and fight against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. They were responding to calls from members of Congress, organized labor and activist...
Debbie Weinstein's picture
Thank you!

#YesWeCan and #YesWeDid – Say farewell & thank-you to the Obamas!

January 13, 2017
Submit your very own thank-you note to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. We'll deliver it to the White House before they leave office!
Sara Alcid's picture

The Little Red Hen and Social Security

January 9, 2017
I value self-reliance. In fact, my favorite book as a young child was “The Little Red Hen,” with the chorus, “I’ll do it myself,” said the Little Red Hen. “And so she did”. In the story, the Little Red Hen asks for help from the other barnyard animals each step of the way in harvesting ingredients...

Separate and Unequal: American Kids Suffer Gaps in Opportunity,

January 9, 2017
America has become two separate and unequal societies, especially when it comes to opportunities for our children. Yet this can and must be reversed, for hope to be restored, and for America to keep its place in the global economy. These themes were conveyed by Harvard Professor Robert Putnam,...
Dora Calott Wang's picture
