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Family Economic Security

Child Watch® Column: A Prayer to End Poverty In Our Time

December 22, 2016
In December 1967 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached what would be his last Christmas sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. At the end Dr. King spoke about the day he told the nation at the March on Washington that he had a dream for America’s future, but said in the uncertain years that had followed that dream sometimes felt like it was turning into a nightmare. But Dr. King said he was never willing to give up:
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Together, we can make Washington the next state to pass paid family and medical leave! Will you join us?

December 16, 2016
We're building MOMentum in Washington on paid family and medical leave -- and we need YOU! Click here to RSVP to join our "Mom-In" in Olympia on January 10th to launch the 2017 campaign for paid family leave! What’s a “Mom In"!?! Well, it’s when moms, and anyone who has ever had a mom, come...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
Take Action!

Stand Up, Speak Out Against Trump's Anti-Family Cabinet Appointees

December 13, 2016
Donald Trump became President-Elect because he prevailed in the Electoral College, but Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.6 million votes . In other words, the American People did not give Donald Trumpa mandate to enact an extremist agenda aimed at destroying some of our most...
Kristin's picture

Seattle moms work to boost women in business (and provide affordable childcare while they're at it)

December 13, 2016
Childcare. It’s a topic that is always top of mind for mothers as we want someone to care for our kids like we do. Our questions and concerns never ease up and finding quality, affordable childcare is one of the biggest struggles today for families. It’s a logistical and emotional rollercoaster to...
Marlene Mejia Weiss's picture

On Democracy and Paid Family and Medical Leave

December 12, 2016
“Mommy, you do…de-de-democracy.” That was my daughter’s recent assessment of my career. As a three-year old-her grasp of the term ‘democracy’ may be slightly tenuous, but her comment left me both amused and reflective. Does our work trying to improve the quality of jobs in the U.S. count as...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

It's time for the #FAMILYAct!

December 12, 2016
Today, December 12th, is the anniversary of the introduction of the FAMILY Act (a paid family leave insurance program). This is an important anniversary to mark because right now only 13% of U.S. workers--and only 5% of low-wage workers--have access to paid leave. We need better workplace policies...
Tina Sherman's picture

Keep Pounding

December 9, 2016
How Grassroots Organizing and Popular Protest Defeated NC’s Bathroom Governor As a lifelong North Carolinian, I really appreciated this data-based analysis from Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling on how the Governor lost his re-election effort (the first to do so in NC history). First, polls show...
ruby's picture

MomsRising on President-Elect Trump’s Appointments

November 29, 2016
Taken together, President-Elect Trump’s appointments to date present a significant threat to our democracy, to the people of our country, and to our economy: · Rep. Tom Price , nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services, has made dismantling the Affordable Care Act a landmark goal of his...
Kristin's picture

A bright light amidst fear & outrage: a VOTE on DC Paid Leave!

November 23, 2016
The Universal Paid Leave Act is up for a vote on December 6th! Tell the DC Council to do right by the District's families and keep the bill strong & comprehensive for a vote!
Sara Alcid's picture

Protegiendo a Nuestros Niños de Intimidación y Acoso

November 12, 2016
Hemos escuchado de padres de familia con niños en edad escolar de todo el país que están sintiendo ansiedad como resultado de la elección. Padres de familia que tienen dificultades para tratar de asegurar que los niños en sus comunidades se sientan seguros ante el aumento de la intimidación y el...
Khadija Gurnah's picture
