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Working Moms Still Don’t Have Enough Support at Work. Let’s Change This.

December 11, 2015
When I was still a working reporter serving as a staff writer at a Chinese-language newspaper’s Los Angeles Bureau, I sat on the floor in the bathroom stall between assignments to pump breast milk for my then 3-month-old son while my colleagues went to bathroom, knocked on the door and occasionally told me to hurry up. After each pumping session I moved to the office kitchen to wash the pump parts, trying to ignore my colleagues stating behind me and saying “don’t wash your dirty panties here.”
To-wen Tseng's picture

School Lunch: Then and Now #FoodFri

December 11, 2015
December 13, 2015 marks the 5th anniversary of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. A lot has changed since its inception! Children no longer receive pizza and french fries, five days a week, as I did as a child. They are given healthy, well-balanced meals that include fruits, vegetables, and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#Radio This Week: #Enough

December 8, 2015
For your podcast list: Breaking Through with me, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner! It's fun, feisty, and relevant for moms and families. Our weekly podcast is ‪#‎free‬ for all on iTunes : ON THIS WEEK'S SHOW: The San Bernardino shooting and...
Kristin's picture

Research: Latino Families Have Worse Access to Healthy Food

December 8, 2015
Latinos tend to live in neighborhoods with few supermarkets and other sources of healthy, affordable food options, but several promising solutions are emerging, according to a new package of research from Salud America! , a national network for Latino childhood obesity prevention funded by the...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Top Six Ways Parents Can Push Back Against Harmful School Commercialism

December 8, 2015
Parents hoping to limit their kids’ exposure to excessive commercialism are understandably frustrated when marketers invade traditionally “commercial-free” venues outside the home, such as your child’s school. And school advertising abounds in many forms. Most of us are familiar with ads in...
Edna Rienzi's picture

Tasty Holiday Recipes from Around the Web

December 7, 2015
Did you miss our recent holiday recipe share? If so, don't fret! We've compiled a Storify with 40+ featured recipes, perfect for the holidays and beyond. We hope you'll take the time to visit and sample a few!
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Good Food Force Update: #NotOneMore, soda victory, social-emotional intelligence, more

December 7, 2015
It's a tough day. Our hearts are heavy following yesterday's tragic events in California, so we're starting this update with MomsRising's statement on the shootings. Then read on to find some uplifting news about soda in kids' meals, a couple of great tweetchats happening this week (one today) and...
Karen Showalter's picture

Plan of Action to End Hunger In America #FoodFri

December 4, 2015
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) has created a Plan of Action to End Hunger In America. Their innovative plan offers concrete solutions to a very real and growing problem. In the United States, hunger and food insecurity has been steadily increasing . Federal nutrition programs help...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

A Special Match for #GivingTuesday

December 1, 2015
You gave thanks. You ate delicious food. You got deals. Now, it’s time to give back! Today is Giving Tuesday, a national day of celebrating and supporting the causes that matter most to us – like making the world a better, safer, more just place for women, moms and families. To mark this day,...
Kristin's picture

Permission Granted: 5 Ways to Find Rest this Holiday

November 24, 2015
Does the thought of hanging lights and attending holiday work parties make you want to grab your sleeping bag and run for the nearest cave? 2015 has been intense for many of us. Often, we felt over-scheduled, overworked and we rarely got the chance to unplug. We navigated big career and life...
Renee Trudeau's picture
