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Five Ways to Help Latino Children Achieve a Healthy Weight by Kindergarten

February 29, 2016
More Latino kids ages 2-5 are overweight/obese (30%) than white kids (21%). That’s because of maternal obesity, less exclusive breastfeeding, and workplace and childcare issues that affect nutrition and physical activity levels, according to a new package of research from Salud America! , a...
Amelie Ramirez's picture

Good Food Force Update: PE in schools, Florida recess bill, biking tours and more!

February 23, 2016
Greetings! This week we're exploring the importance of getting active. Check out some stats on the impact of physical activity in schools, the latest on efforts to make recess mandatory in Florida, and an inspiring profile of Civil Bikes' founder Nedra, below! As always, please read and share! 1...
Karen Showalter's picture

How One NBA All-Star is Helping Teens Drink Water, Not Soda

February 22, 2016
Last December , the NBA’s Most Valuable Player, Stephen Curry, made an impressive move. But it wasn’t a dramatic three-pointer on the basketball court. Curry signed a three-year endorsement deal with Brita, the water filtration system, instead of Coke or Pepsi. "Drinking water is essential to a...
Sabrina Adler's picture

Getting the Wiggles Out: part of a healthy school day

February 18, 2016
My six-year old son is in kindergarten. He's a bright and active boy who loves Star Wars, dinosaurs, raptors, and space. Try to sit him down for an extended period of time to learn about any of those things? Good luck. His teachers are saints. And my son isn't alone. Kids have energy. They need to...
Karen Showalter's picture

Voices of the Good Food Force: Nedra Deadwyler, founder of Civil Bikes

February 18, 2016
This week we're excited to feature Nedra, a bike enthusiast, healthy-living advocate, and entrepreneur from Atlanta. Nedra runs Civil Bikes, which uses bike tours and classes to get people active and teach them about social justice, all at the same time. Thanks for all you do, Nedra! 6306.jpeg...
Karen Showalter's picture

President Obama's Final Budget

February 15, 2016
President Obama introduced his final budget last week. Find out all the details about what is in it and what is happening next!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Good Food Force Weekly Update: Alicia Keys, Healthy Valentine's, and a big win!

February 12, 2016
Happy (early) Valentine's Day! My kids are just getting old enough to recognize and ask for all of the candy that's associated with Feb 14, so I'm loving @SchoolBites' great ideas for keeping it healthy, below! We're keeping the drumbeat going around Flint, talking about the importance of justice...
Karen Showalter's picture

Lets Celebrate No More Soda on Jack in the Box’s Kids Menus! #FoodFri

February 12, 2016
This #FoodFri we want to celebrate Moms' voices and an amazing win! If you haven't heard already, after years of pressure from, parents and nutrition advocates, Jack in the Box announced that it will drop sugary sodas as an option from their kids meals and menus in all of their 2,200...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Let's Make 2016 a MOMentous Year for Pennsylvania Families

February 9, 2016
MomsRising's Pennsylvania State Moms Force brought our voices to Harrisburg in January, reminding legislators that moms, dads and families around the state are counting on them to champion policies that boost our families and our economy including: Access to healthy food Affordable, high-quality...
Karen Showalter's picture

9 Exercises to Get You and Your Family Moving

February 9, 2016
No matter what you are telling yourself, New Year’s has long passed. We are in Chinese New Year, we’re approaching spring -- but it’s still not too late to incorporate exercise in your and your family’s routine! Here are some of my favorite ones: 1. Frog Jumps Just like it sounds. Get down on the...
Clarissa T's picture
