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Take Urgent Action On Lead in Water Fountains!

May 11, 2016
What young kid hasn't splashed herself in the face trying to drink from a water fountain? My two-year old always misfires just a bit when trying to get a drink, often leaving both of us chuckling. But I love that she drinks water, and she does too. Indeed we've made lots of progress when it comes...
Karen Showalter's picture

Pumping Milk at 40,000 Feet: Four Women Pilots Are Navigating a Course toward Fairness

May 11, 2016
Hearing a woman’s voice come over the intercom before takeoff, “this is your captain speaking,” can be a moving experience, even today: She made it! She beat the odds! A stirring sense of admiration as you check that your seatbelt is indeed securely fastened for takeoff. But women who work in roles...
Liz Morris's picture

From One Busy Parent to Another: Menu Labeling will Make Your Life Easier...

May 11, 2016
Great news, friends. Restaurants, supermarkets, coffee shops and other similar establishments will soon be required to display calorie counts on menus and menu boards. Translation: no more guessing about how many calories are in that soup, sandwich, cookie. Menu labeling is a HUGE help, am I right...
Karen Showalter's picture

Race, Healthy Food and Diabetes: The Unequal Access in Our Food System #FoodFri

May 6, 2016
Since the 1980s, diabetes rates among U.S. adults have nearly quadrupled. A new report by the Union of Concerned Scientists finds that unequal food access in the United States plays an important role in diabetes rates, especially for communities of color. How do we solve the issue of access and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

A Storm Is Coming Your Way? 5 Tips to Help You Prepare Without Spending a Fortune

May 3, 2016
It is impressive to see how supermarkets are always empty on the eve of a storm. I wonder: If we get overly alarmed and exaggerate too much in the moment instead of being prepared for the long term? Before the recent snowstorm in the Northeast, when I went to do my weekly shopping, I noticed the...
Lucia Castro Herrera's picture

Healthy Food for Healthy Children in North Carolina

May 2, 2016
North Carolina is in the midst of a childhood health crisis. Children across the state are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and other chronic diseases because they lack access to healthy, nutritious food. Families want to be healthy, but too many simply have nowhere to buy affordable lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Morgan Wittman Gramann's picture

Food Dyes: Learn Which Are Important to Avoid at #FoodFri

April 29, 2016
Food dyes are unnecessary ingredients that are added to improve the look of foods. Although most food additives are safe, there are many that have negative health effects or trigger adverse reactions, such as hyperactivity, in sensitive kids. Join #FoodFri at 1pm EST / 10am PSTon April 29, 2016...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Advocates Oppose House Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill

April 29, 2016
Anti-hunger advocates reacted strongly in opposition to a House Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill introduced last Wednesday, April 20. A statement from the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) said the bill would roll back years of progress, leaving countless children without access to nutritious meals.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Chocolate is Nice. Equality is Better!

April 29, 2016
Mother’s Day was founded with a simple and beautiful wish – to honor the person who has done more for us than anyone in the world. At MomsRising, we do more than honor moms. We empower them – every day, all year long. We unite moms to win protections from gun violence, win access to lifesaving...
Kristin's picture

Our Children’s Future Is In Danger. Will You Step Up?

April 21, 2016
Salud America!, a Latino childhood obesity prevention network, is recruiting Salud Leaders to join a national movement to start and support healthy changes in communities and schools. Who is a Salud Leader? A Salud Leader is a parent, school personnel, academic, or community leader who drives...
Amelie Ramirez's picture
