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Healthy Back to School Tips at #FoodFri

August 19, 2016
The back to school season has started! For many this can be a time of stress so we want to make it easier for you. Join #FoodFri on August 19, 2016, for a bilingual tweetchat to discuss healthy back to school tips with @MomsRising , @MamasConPoder , our Spanish language sister account, and @...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

School Day Just Got Healthier as Updated Wellness Policies Released

August 17, 2016
Great news for healthy schools! The USDA released the final Local Wellness Policy Rule at the end of July. Wellness policies are “a written document that guides a local educational agency’s (LEA) or school district’s efforts to establish a school environment that promotes students’ health, well-...
Karen Showalter's picture

Good Food Force Update: Breastfeeding Month, Popsicles, Wellness Policies, more!

August 17, 2016
Greetings! We hope you've been having a healthy, happy and fun summer! The Good Food Force updates have slowed a bit over the summer, as we've enjoyed vacation and family time (we hope you've done the same!). But we're kicking things back into high gear as we approach the new school year. In this...
Karen Showalter's picture

Back to School: Educators in #Faith Communities Discuss Healthy School Foods and How Parents Can Help the Movement #FoodFri

August 12, 2016
One in three children is overweight or obese. Schools, and communities, that support healthy foods in schools can help stem childhood obesity. Given that kids, spend most of their waking hours in school supporting healthy school meals will help children, today and in the future. Parents and faith...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Learn What Families, Schools, and Communities Are Doing to Help Kids Grow Up at a Healthy Weight #FoodFri

August 4, 2016
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the August 5, 2016 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . The national childhood...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Women Share How They Stay Young at Heart and Vibrant in Their MidLife

July 29, 2016
The other day, while chatting with my teenage son, he reminded me I was GASP middle aged. He didn't intentionally disparage my age. He wouldn't do that. No. This remark was mentioned in passing. Breezily thrown in the air as if the weight of those words didn't strike me like a thunder bolt in my...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

An Inexcusable Hunger

July 28, 2016
Military families shouldn’t struggle with hunger. But they do — and that needs to stop.
Abby Leibman's picture

Women's Health: Tips to Help Women Age Healthfully #FoodFri

July 28, 2016
Women and men often experience disease or warning signs of disease differently. For example, women are at higher risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis and lose muscle mass at a younger age than men. Signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke also vary. Join #FoodFri on Friday, July 29, 2016,...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Let's Chat About Summer Foods, Family and FUN with @BokKids at #FoodFri!

July 22, 2016
With summer in full swing, parents and children are enjoying more time outside, at the park, beach, BBQs and while traveling. This is great fun but can easily derail a family's healthy accomplishments. To stay mindful of the food you and your family are consuming, because junk food is ok once in a...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

WIC Nutrition Education: Making Nutrition Work for Your Family

July 18, 2016
Healthy… Nutritious… Low Fat… High Fiber… Moderation… Exercise… Carbs… Protein… These days, you can’t walk down the street or flip through your favorite magazine without being bombarded by directives about what to eat and how to eat it. Messages on how to live a healthy lifestyle are all around us...
Sarah Widor's picture
