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How your summer cookouts can protect public health

June 21, 2016
We can enjoy the summer free from the worry that a stumble on the sidewalk or a minor burn from the grill could turn into a serious illness, thanks to antibiotics. By supporting more responsibly-raised meat, you can help ensure these drugs remain effective, so that our summers can remain adventurous, rambunctious, and safe.
Anya Vanecek's picture

Faith Communities and the Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan #FoodFri

June 17, 2016
For over two years resident of Flint, Michigan, have endured lead-poisoned water. In April 2014, Governor Snyder appointed an emergency manager who switched the Flint water supply from the Detroit water system to the Flint River. This change, done to save costs, put the lives of Flint residents in...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Paul Ryan’s Recycled, Pro-Poverty Plan

June 16, 2016
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently unveiled what he refers to as “ a #BetterWay to fight poverty in America .” With all due respect, sir… Inigo Montoya 1.gif First, although “unveiling” generally means to “ show or reveal to others for the first time ,” the agenda released this month presents...
Julie Vogtman's picture

Advocates Rally Against Provisions in House Child Nutrition Bill

June 16, 2016
Advocates led by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) rallied on Capitol Hill on Thursday, June 9 against provisions in the House Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill (H.R. 5003) they say are dangerous and misguided. Advocates were opposed to the bill that was introduced because it would weaken the Community Eligibility Provision that allows high-poverty schools to provide free meals to all students, affecting thousands of schools and millions of students, and changes made to the bill made it even more harmful.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Baltimore is One Step Closer to Passing Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Legislation

June 14, 2016
Last week, I had the honor of joining a coalition of health advocates, parents and community leaders at Baltimore City Hall for the Health Committee hearing on legislation that would require warning labels for sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) on advertisements, menus, and points-of-purchase within...
Leana Wen's picture

Food recall season is off to a big start

June 9, 2016
Once again the shift from spring to summer has carried with it a string of contamination-related food recalls. Twenty in the last month, and climbing.
Anya Vanecek's picture

Healthy Futures Starting in the Kitchen: Child Care Center Cooks as Agents of Change

June 6, 2016
On May 6th I had a humbling experience involving vegetables, knives, and a group of child care center cooks from across North Carolina. This group of child care center cooks and I came together for a "Healthy Futures Starting in the Kitchen" program offered by the culinary school at Central...
Jessica Burroughs's picture

FDA issues draft guidance for reducing sodium

June 3, 2016
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has just issued draft guidance for public comment for voluntary reduction in sodium consumption for the food industry. According to the FDA, Americans consume almost 50% more sodium than what most experts recommend. Now let’...
Jehanara Haider's picture

The Skinny on Soda Taxes: part 1

June 3, 2016
Soda taxes are taking off from coast to coast, and around the world, too. And while on the surface they *seem* like a great thing, are they actually working? And do they effectively tax the people who can afford it the least? Here's a short summary of what we know: 1. Where are they actually...
Karen Showalter's picture

Let's Talk About Sugar, Sugar Sweetened Beverages (#SSBs) and Warning Labels this #FoodFri!

June 3, 2016
On a daily basis, we are bombarded with marketing for sugar sweetened beverages. In 2006, sugary drink companies spent roughly $3.2 billion . That was ten years ago, since then that budget has grown. One city is fighting back - Baltimore City. They want to counteract the marketing of these...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
