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The Nation's First #SodaTax and How Organizers and Volunteers Won! #FoodFri

April 21, 2016
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the April 22, 2016 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . In 2014, Berkeley passed...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Good Food Force Update: Only 4% of elementary schools??

April 19, 2016
Hello! We hope you're having a great week. In this edition of the Good Food Force Update, we're talking about the importance of physical activity in schools. Research shows kids need an hour of physical activity every day. But are they getting that? You'd be surprised by the answer. Find out more...
Karen Showalter's picture

Tips to Help Latino Children Start Kindergarten At a Healthy Weight #FoodFri

April 15, 2016
Study after study has shown that healthy Latino children are more likely to become healthy Latino adults. And most eating habits are formed when children are young. Ensuring children entering kindergarten start at a healthy weight will help them, giving them a better chance of not developing...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Cinco Maneras De Ayudar A Los Niños Latinos A Lograr Un Peso Saludable Antes Del Kindergarten

April 15, 2016
Más niños latinos niños de entre las edades de 2-5 años sufren de sobrepeso u obesidad (30%) que los niños blancos (21%). Esto es debido a la obesidad maternal, a la falta de lactancia materna, y a polizas laborales y de cuidado infantil que afectan a la nutrición y a los niveles de actividad...
Amelie Ramirez's picture

The National WIC Association Is Doing MORE In the Community! Learn More At #FoodFri!

April 8, 2016
The National WIC Association has been working with local WIC agencies around the country through the Community Partnerships for Healthy Mothers and Children project to improve health. The focus of the project has been on policy, systems and environmental change, which is slightly different than WIC...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Income Inequality: The Housing Struggle

April 8, 2016
“I was in Newark and Harlem just this week. And I walked into the homes of welfare mothers. I saw them in conditions—no, not with wall-to-wall carpet, but wall-to-wall rats and roaches. . . . [One mother] pointed out the walls with all the ceiling falling through. She showed me the holes where the...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

All Salads are NOT the Same: Why Menu Labeling Matters

April 7, 2016
Guessing games are fun, but not when it comes to knowing what's in the food I give my kids. DYK that a pecan roll at a popular coffee shop has almost DOUBLE the calories of a chocolate pastry? Or that a turkey sandwich at a popular convenience store has nearly TWICE the calories as a beef burrito...
Karen Showalter's picture

Let's Help Latino Children Start Kindergarten at a Healthy Weight. Join #FoodFri to Chat!

March 31, 2016
Studies have shown that children entering kindergarten at a healthy weight are least likely to develop diabetes, asthma, cancer, and other health issues. They're also more likely to become healthy adults. And that's something to aspire to! Join #FoodFri on April 1, 2016, between 1 and 2pm, Eastern...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Tell Companies: Stop Marketing Junk Food to Kids!

March 30, 2016
Parents, schools, companies, public spaces ... we all have a role to play when it comes to promoting the health of our kids. This year MomsRising is paying special attention to the role of marketing on kids. Ads regularly target our kids when we're not around. While many companies have taken steps...
Karen Showalter's picture

They are forgotten: Hunger and homelessness in South Dakota

March 30, 2016
Do poverty, hunger and homelessness exist when there is no one around to see? A tiny South Dakota town that probably 99.99 percent of Americans have never heard of is living testimony that the answer to that question is an emphatic yes. Located in the poorest county in America , the enclave of...
David Elliot's picture
