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Come join us in Raleigh! You won't want to miss this.

June 2, 2016
It’s not often these days that visits to the NC General Assembly are focused on FUN! But that’s what our “Healthy Options, Healthy Choices” day next week will be — and you won’t want to miss it! Join in on the fun! RSVP here:
Felicia Burnett's picture

Baltimore Residents Have the Right to Know the Truth about Sugary Drinks

June 2, 2016
In my practice as an emergency physician, I have seen 8-year-olds who weigh 150 pounds, teenagers diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes, and 25-year-olds with high blood pressure and heart problems. As the Health Commissioner for the City of Baltimore, I see these issues play out on a much larger...
Leana Wen's picture

The perfect face of our food

June 1, 2016
One of the first things which captivated me about the United States of America when I moved here almost 6 years ago, were the grocery aisles filled to the brim with shiny spotless fruits and vegetables. It seemed the apples, tomatoes and water melons were positively radiant. I felt instantly...
Jehanara Haider's picture

Tell NC Lawmakers: Improve access to healthy foods!

May 31, 2016
In North Carolina, more than 1.5 million people live in a food desert, which means they cannot easily access healthy, affordable food. Food deserts rob children of their health by severely limiting kids’ access to healthy foods. Horrifically, food deserts lead to high rates of nutrition-related,...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Baltimore - We need to do everything we can to reduce the amount of soda kids drink.

May 30, 2016
The numbers are shocking. Did you know the average 8-year old is drinking 64 ounces a week in sugary drinks like sodas that may—over the years—lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease? Did you also know that sugary drinks are the single largest contributor of calories and added sugars to...
Felicia Burnett's picture

It's National Older Americans Month! Let's Discuss Healthy Aging at #FoodFri

May 27, 2016
As the month-long celebration of National Older Americans Month culminates, we invite you to join CSPI and MomsRising on Friday, May 27, 1 – 2pm ET , for a #FoodFri tweetchat on healthy aging. Thanks to advances in medicine, Americans are living longer than at any point in history. Learn how to...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

A Hug from Paul Ryan

May 17, 2016
Hugs are nice. But hunger advocates such as Tianna Gaines-Turner want policy-makers and members of Congress to know that as nice as a hug is, it does not put food on the table, workers in good-paying jobs, or families in affordable, secure housing. On Monday, Gaines-Turner, who lives in...
David Elliot's picture

Faith Communities are Advocating for Health, Wellness, and Food Justice. Learn More at #FoodFri!

May 17, 2016
This week at #FoodFri we are going to explore the ways that faith communities are advocating for health, wellness, and food justice. We'll talk about the steps that people of faith are taking to improve their own health and that of their community, as well as explore the theology and practice...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Good Food Force Update: Lead, menu labeling, turnips, water, more!

May 16, 2016
Greetings! This week we're unpacking the new menu labeling rule. Over 7,000 of us spoke out in support of the final rule - well done, we did it! We're also sharing an urgent call-to-action around lead, resources from two of our fab Good Food Force bloggers, our new bumper sticker and more. As...
Karen Showalter's picture

Sugar and Our Quest to Build a Food System that Keeps Our Communities and Families Healthy #FoodFri

May 13, 2016
MomsRising is hosting a #FoodFri tweetchat on May 13, 2016 at 1 pm Eastern , to share the work of Foodstand (a community of eaters helping each other stay in the know about how to shop, cook, and eat better) and Jamie Oliver Food Foundation on Food Revolution Day. This year, the focus of Food...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
