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Gun Safety

"Raising Anti-Racist Kids with Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs" credit: Romper

We're Raising Future Grownups — We Have To Talk To Our Kids About Police Killings

May 4, 2021
The past few weeks have been wrought with the type of pain that sits heavy in my body, existing and spanning into all areas of my life. It’s a pain that many Black, Brown and Indigenous people live with. It’s a pain that many mothers live with. I listened to Daunte Wright’s mother recount the...
Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs's picture

Demanda justicia para Adam Toledo

April 21, 2021
Nunca es fácil ser testigos de la interminable violencia policial y es particularmente difícil cuando se trata de niños. Ninguna familia debería tener que lamentar una pérdida como la de Adam Toledo, un niño de 13 años, uno de los muchos niños asesinados por la policía cuyas familias aún esperan...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Use Your Voice, Black Lives Matter

How to Talk About Police Brutality with Children

April 19, 2021
The unending and unjust police brutality towards Black lives has once again created a wave of devastating media content and rippling conversations families are once again forced to have. For Black families this has been a never ending conversation as police violence takes Black life, after Black...
Donna's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, April 2, 2021

April 2, 2021
We’ll get right to it! This week’s 5Actions include ways to learn more about new benefits available to YOU and your family (including the new direct payments related to children in the Child Tax Credit) due to the recent passage of the American Rescue Act (ARP) at a special online event with...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

All New Radio Show: Stopping Hate & Advancing Equality

March 25, 2021
On the radio show this week Kristin and company cover what’s in the American Rescue Plan for YOU and how you can access those benefits. They discuss the Equality Act that’s moving forward in Congress and what you can do to help make this critically important bill pass. They also touch on how you...
Amber Dorsey's picture
End gun violence

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, March 19, 2021

March 19, 2021
This week has been tough. The Atlanta shooting that resulted in the death of eight people -- including six Asian American women -- again proves that Americans can no longer wait for action against gun violence and hate. We stand against Anti-Asian hate and for gun control. The time for action is...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Photograph of the COVID-19 memorial

Breaking Through: The Road Traveled & The Road Ahead!

January 21, 2021
We are back with a fresh show for a brand new year! Welcome 2021! This week on #BreakingThrough Kristin and guests cover white insurrectionism, the ties between white supremacy and gun violence, and analyze what happened at the U.S. Capitol and why we need still accountability; including for Trump...
Amber Dorsey's picture

Review the Week: Can't Miss Posts [June 26, 2020]

June 26, 2020
ICYMI: Here are the posts you visited, loved, shared or might have missed for the week ending June 26, 2020. 1. BLOG: Breonna's killers are still at large: Take Action! Only one of the three police officers responsible for Breonna’s death has been fired by the Louisville Police Department and none...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Review the Week: 5 Can't Miss Posts [June 19, 2020]

June 18, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community stepped up for equality in a big way this week. Check out some of the posts you loved, shared and might have missed for the week ending June 19, 2020. 1. INSTAGRAM: #IAmMamma We have been sharing and uplifting many of the voices in our #RisersandShakers community. "...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Review The Week: 5 Can't-Miss Posts

June 5, 2020
ICYMI: Here are 5 worth-your-time posts that the MomsRising community liked, shared and viewed for the week ending Friday, June 5, 2020. 1. BLOG: Justice for George Floyd We grieve, we’re angry, and we cannot stop holding leaders accountable. justice for George.jpg 2. BLOG: Ten Tips for Teaching...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
