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Gun Safety

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photograph of a tealight candle with a bright flame. The text underneath reads "Tell Congress: No civilians should have access to assault weapons and high capacity magazines!"]

Our Hearts Break for Victims of the Massacres: Lawmakers Can & Must Act NOW

August 4, 2019
"The brutal mass shootings in Dayton last night and in El Paso yesterday morning were two more heart shattering, preventable tragedies. Too many lives have been ended or forever altered. Too many mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters are mourning. There have been more mass shootings in our country...
Kristin's picture

Protect Children, Not Guns

August 2, 2019
Will our nation ever decide to prioritize children’s lives over guns? Once again the headlines this week were all too familiar: “‘Nothing short of horrific’: Three killed, including two children, in shooting at California food festival.” “Gilroy joins grim fraternity of communities terrorized by...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Votes And Laws Not Thoughts And Prayers

June 18, 2019
We have a brand new episode of our Breaking Through podcast this week and we are excited to discuss it with you! We'll cover how healthcare is under attack and the many ways in which you can fight back. We'll also discuss the fight for gun safety and Virginia. Along with our special guests we'll...
Amber Dorsey's picture

Staying Sane: Gun Laws that Work

June 17, 2019
The Mother Emmanuel, Charleston, SC, shooting was four years ago today, June 17. The N.C. General Assembly Senate Judiciary Committee will consider Senate Bill 90 tomorrow, June 18. A favorable ruling will move this bill closer to becoming law in N.C.
Jessica Burroughs's picture
mom platform badge

Top #5Actions of the Week: June 14, 2019

June 14, 2019
We're back with this week's list of top #5Actions from the past week, featuring hot items around defending equal pay, pregnant workers, and gun violence. We also need your input on which issues are most important for you so we can create our "Mom Platform" as we head into the next presidential...
Karen Showalter's picture

New On Risers Radio: #WearOrange - Stop Gun Violence

June 10, 2019
In recognition of #WearOrange National Gun Violence Awareness Day, we have an entire show dedicated to stopping gun violence. We cover the impact of the Trump administration’s proposal to transfer oversight of international arms sales to the Commerce Department and talk about the impact of gun...
Amber Dorsey's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of a person with long black hair and a pink shirt reading personal stories from gun violence survivors.]

#5Actions: Special Gun Safety Edition

June 7, 2019
Today, June 7, is #WearOrange National Gun Violence Awareness Day. With the tragic mass shooting in Virginia Beach just last weekend (and the seemingly daily parade of gun violence headlines in both local and national news), it often feels like every day is National Gun Violence Awareness Day...
Gloria Pan's picture
Take Action

Quick signature for gun safety for Virginia

June 4, 2019
Virginia is my home, and I am heartbroken over the mass shooting over the weekend at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center that killed 12 and injured at least four others. I am also furious that year after year, during the legislative session, the Republican majority in the General Assembly blocks...
Gloria Pan's picture

Mayor de Blasio: Fire the NYPD officers who killed #EricGarner and #DelrawnSmall

June 3, 2019
Two fathers lost their lives to police misconduct and yet, no police officers have been held accountable. Mayor de Blasio made many promises in his campaign to lead New York City. Central to his platform was police reform, increased transparency, and greater police accountability. Leading up to his...
Diarra Diouf's picture

Brand New: Fight For Love on #RisersRadio

May 8, 2019
On the #radiopodcast this week we cover what’s happening with asylum protections for children and hear early reports on the Presidential race from New Hampshire and more on policies that are rising. We'll also give you the inside scoop on the trouble with the National Rifle Association and discuss...
Amber Dorsey's picture
