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Health Care

Your Back-to-School Checklist Should Include Sexual Abuse Prevention

August 11, 2015
Let’s see: Shop for school supplies…check. Make sure immunizations are up-to-date…check. Sign up for sports and music lessons…check. Talk about sexual abuse prevention…wait. What? I feel like such a grownup when I say it, but the summer has really flown by. We’re starting to make sure all the books...
Allison Wedell Schumacher's picture

Wellness Wednesday Recap: Breastfeeding At Work

August 6, 2015
And we are off to a great start to National Breastfeeding Month! Anayah kicked things off on the blog by chatting with us about breastfeeding and paid leave . On Wednesday, we had a very informative chat about breastfeeding and work. Here's the Storify with all of the great tweets that were shared...
Sili Recio's picture

¿Su embarazo fue complicado por la preeclampsia? ¡Le invitamos a participar en este importante estudio!

August 3, 2015
Las Enfermedades del Corazón son la primera causa de muerte en la mujer en Estados Unidos, unas 6 veces mayor que el cáncer de seno y mayor que todos los tipos de cáncer combinados. Esto es particularmente importante en las mujeres latinas, ya que sólo una de cada tres está consciente que las...
Nidia Sangines's picture

When Breastfeeding Starts with Dollars and Sense: Paid Family Leave & Breastfeeding

August 1, 2015
And we’re off with National Breastfeeding Month 2015! Where conversations about breastfeeding normally start with infant feeding choices, this year’s events begin with attention to a critical factor affecting that choice: paid family leave. Convention suggests that by providing parents with...
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

Medicaid at 50: Five Decades of Working for Kids

July 30, 2015
Today marks the 50th anniversary of Medicaid , the program that provides health coverage for low-income kids and families, as well as seniors and people with disabilities. Medicaid is funded jointly by the federal government and the states and provides cost-efficient and effective coverage for its...
Judith Solomon's picture

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due for New Policies

July 28, 2015
Why does my inbox have messages saying that Maine’s new law against shackling pregnant women is an “accidental win”? True, the governor of Maine let this and a number of other progressive bills become law without his signature, and then claimed to have vetoed them . But if activists hadn’t run such...
Rachel Roth's picture

RSVP: FREE family fun event at Hattiesburg, MS Zoo on July 25th!

July 17, 2015
You’re invited to our celebration in Hattiesburg! RSVP by clicking this link to join MomsRising volunteers and friends on July 25th, 10:30 am at the Hattiesburg Zoo to thank Mayor DuPree and City Council members for for their leadership on children’s health in Mississippi! The event is free (a...
Nina Perez's picture

Today's the day! Statewide Day of Action for Medicaid Expansion!

July 16, 2015
“But you said you would!” I hear it from my son all. the. time. He holds me to each and every little commitment—whether or not I even recall making it :) It’s important to keep your word. It’s especially important when you’re the leader of a state with 500,000 uninsured adults. Today, MomsRising is...
Felicia Burnett's picture

RSVP: All Hands on Deck for Pregnant Workers' Rights!

July 14, 2015
Make a splash with us on Capitol Hill! RSVP today to reserve your sailor hat.
Sara Alcid's picture

Join us to ask Governor McCrory #WheresThePlan for Medicaid expansion!

July 14, 2015
500,000. That’s how many hard-working uninsured North Carolinians are waiting for Governor McCrory to use money already available to make affordable health coverage available through expanding Medicaid. They shouldn’t have to wait any longer. On Thursday, July 16th, MomsRising and our statewide...
Felicia Burnett's picture
