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Health Care

Text, Talk, Act For Mental Health. Because Sometimes Our Kids Won't Come To Us.

March 24, 2015
As the parent of a high schooler and a tween, I relish those wonderful days- the days when my children are so excited to talk with me, to tell me all about what’s happening at school, what’s going on in their friends’ lives, and what triumphs and challenges they’re experiencing at the moment. And...
Janee Woods's picture

These Moms Need Congress to Protect Medicaid!

March 23, 2015
Congress will be voting this week on a budget that slashes the funding to Medicaid and makes major changes that would likely result in families losing coverage. Million of families rely on Medicaid for their healthcare. Here are the stories of three moms who have used Medicaid.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Quick Signature: Sign our open letter in support of children's health!

March 22, 2015
We’re afraid to jinx it…. but Congress might actually get something big accomplished for kids this month! A bipartisan group in Congress is making progress toward extending funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) which is set to expire later this year! With talks heating up, it’s...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Don't Leave Children Short

March 20, 2015
Congress is about to strike a deal that takes care of seniors and doctors but leaves low-income and “at risk” children short. Congress’ annual struggle to avoid cuts in Medicare reimbursement rates so physicians will continue to give seniors the care they need is widely considered must-pass...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Take Action!

Congress wants to cut Medicaid. Moms can’t let them!

March 20, 2015
Some members of Congress want to pass a budget that slashes the funding to Medicaid and makes permanent changes that would deny healthcare to millions of families. No way---moms can't let them!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

The 8 Head Smacker Budget

March 20, 2015
The House Budget Committee recently released its FY 2016 budget proposal . There were just too many Head Smackers in it to narrow it down to one, so we came up with eight. Below are slides highlighting the most Head Smacking parts of it. The Coalition on Human Needs' SAVE for All Campaign has four...
Debbie Weinstein's picture

CHIP gives families a chance

March 20, 2015
“On behalf of all parents, joint and single, I pray that the CHIP program remains a source of support for our children.” ~ Tania Right now, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) covers millions of children across the United States—bringing the uninsured rate of children down by 50% (from...
Nina Perez's picture

You're Invited: Speak out for health coverage expansion in NC!

March 19, 2015
Something big is happening in Raleigh on Tuesday—healthcare supporters from across the state will be coming together to speak out for health coverage expansion in North Carolina! We'll be joining with our state partners for the event and we hope you can come, too! NC lawmakers had the opportunity...
Felicia Burnett's picture

On the Road to Hispanicize

March 18, 2015
I am headed to the Hispanicize conference this week. It’s the first time that I go to a conference as both a blogger and an activist (can I just say I’m still not used to that word?). I’m excited on so many fronts. Next week is my 40th birthday (woohoo!). I’m hoping to be able to celebrate it with...
Sili Recio's picture

De camino a Hispanicize

March 18, 2015
Voy rumbo a la conferencia de Hispanicize en Miami. Es la primera vez que voy a una conferencia como bloguera y activista (aunque tengo para decirles que todavía me falta tiempo para acostumbrarme a la palabra “activista”). Estoy emocionada en varios frentes. La semana que viene cumplo mis 40 (¡...
Sili Recio's picture
