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Health Care

Mamatoto Village: building healthier communities through maternal health

February 23, 2015
Tell us about MamaToto Village and how it began. Mamatoto Village is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, devoted to creating career pathways for Women of Color in the field of Maternal Health; and empowering women with the necessary tools to make the most informed decisions and choices in their...
Aza Nedhari's picture

Brooklyn Breastfeeding Empowerment Zone sparks neighborhood-wide change

February 23, 2015
Tell us about the Breastfeeding Empowerment Zone and how it began. The Brooklyn Breastfeeding Empowerment Zone is a 3-year initiative funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in partnership with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to address the low rate of breastfeeding in the...
Sharon Marshall-Taylor's picture

Extending Funding for CHIP in 2015 is Key to Sustaining Gains for Children

February 19, 2015
In a time of partisan inertia, heightened concern about income inequality and the welfare of children, and disagreement about the ability of government programs to address serious problems, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), enacted in 1997 by a Republican Congress and Democratic...
Gene Lewit's picture
Take Action

Calling All Children's Health Supporters! (Simple ways you can show your support for CHIP)

February 19, 2015
MomsRising, Young Invincibles, and First Focus are working together to mobilize a groundswell of grassroots support for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Funding for this critical program is set to expire later this year unless Congress takes action, so it’s crucial that they hear...
Felicia Burnett's picture

How Healthier Kids Can Mean More Money for Schools

February 18, 2015
If you’re a parent or caregiver of a school-aged child, you’re probably familiar with the question, “But do I have to go to school today ?” All kids, no matter how much they like school, sometimes want to spend the day doing other things. (I suppose we don’t really outgrow that urge…) But though...
Manel Kappagoda's picture

When Less is More: Every Mom Deserves a Healthy Childbirth, Every Baby a Healthy Start

February 18, 2015
The road to a safe and healthy birth in our over-medicalized maternal care system can be like a drive through a foreign city without a map. Confronted with countless options for medical tests, treatments and other, often unnecessary, interventions, pregnant women may wonder which way to turn. Pathway to a Healthy Birth is a new guide to help women find their way.
Debra Ness's picture

Jennie Joseph's JJ Way leads to better birth and breastfeeding outcomes

February 15, 2015
Tell us about your work and how it began. I was trained as a midwife in Great Britain in 1979 and moved to the United States in 1989. My experience has been quite diverse: European hospitals, American birth centers, clinics and homebirth environments. I’ve been instrumental in the regulation of...
Jennie Joseph's picture

DC-area Moms: Can you join us on Capitol Hill February 24th to protect Medicaid!?

February 13, 2015
Calling all DC-area moms: we need you on Capitol Hill February 24th to help tell our stories and protect healthcare for ALL families. Will you join us??
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Breastfeeding is Not a Private Issue

February 13, 2015
My name is Rosetta M. Walls and I’m a former Breastfeeding Peer Counselor with HealthConnect One . I inadvertently became a counselor by taking the class to find out how to get my “Boob-Head” son off my breast. He was a little over one years old and I was totally exhausted from nursing. Amazingly,...
Rosetta M Walls's picture

Breastfeeding is Not a Private Issue

February 13, 2015
My name is Rosetta M. Walls and I’m a former Breastfeeding Peer Counselor with HealthConnect One . I inadvertently became a counselor by taking the class to find out how to get my “Boob-Head” son off my breast. He was a little over one years old and I was totally exhausted from nursing. Amazingly,...
Rosetta M Walls's picture
