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Health Care

The Facebook page that proved black women do breastfeed

February 12, 2015
Tell us about Black Women Do Breastfeed (BWDBF) and how it began. When I had my first child in 2009, I used to turn to the internet to find breastfeeding information and community with other breastfeeding moms. I quickly noticed that there were not many images or stories of modern Black...

Table for Two pushes for public lactation spaces

February 11, 2015
Tell us about Table for Two and how it began. Table for Two (TFT) is a community organization that seeks to establish public lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers. We provide grassroots and real-world approaches to building global breastfeeding acceptance. The signature TFT campaign asks the...
Sojourner Marable Grimmett's picture

Help Each Enrollee Find the Health Plan That Best Meets Her or His Needs

February 9, 2015
When shopping for a plan, a few questions to ask include: How much health care do I need? Do you expect to visit a doctor often? Is my preferred brand of birth control covered? How important is it to me to see my current doctor? Am I expecting any major life events in the coming year?
Nina Perez's picture

Push for Progress: Children Cannot Wait

February 6, 2015
“We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, and his senses are being developed. To...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

The Ins and Outs of President Obama’s FY2016 Budget

February 3, 2015
The President's budget is hundreds of pages! Have no fear, MomsRising has broken it all down for you and provides you with all the things you need to know.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

The Question for Lawmakers Who Might Backtrack on Expanded Health Coverage: Seriously?

February 3, 2015
This post, authored by LeeAnn Hall , originally appeared on . LeeAnn Hall discusses why Medicaid expansion is necessary for women's health and urges states who have not done so to take this important action . is dedicated to demonstrating that we know how to...
Alyssa Peterson's picture
Take Action

Great news out of Jacksonville, Florida for children's health!

January 30, 2015
Great news! Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown and other city leaders are going the extra mile to make sure our kids have the health coverage they need! Jacksonville was recently awarded a grant through the National League of Cities to connect uninsured kids with low-cost KidCare and Medicaid coverage...
Nina Perez's picture
Raise your voice!

Help us make some noise!

January 30, 2015
In early March, the Supreme Court of the United States will review a case that threatens to eliminate financial assistance for health coverage in about 36 states as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Nina Perez's picture

Congress wants to cut Medicaid. Moms can’t let them!

January 27, 2015
The new Congress is only a few weeks old but already some Senators and Representatives are threatening to make major changes to Medicaid, which would effect millions of families. We need moms to take action! Your letters will help us keep Medicaid funding off the chopping block before any momentum for negative change gets underway in Congress.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Antibiotic Resistance: What It Is, What We’re Doing about It, and What You Can Do to Help

January 27, 2015
As a doctor, my greatest fear is to be unable to help a patient when they need me the most. Likewise, I think the greatest fear of every parent is to see his or her child in pain and be powerless to help. For too many doctors and parents, these fears are becoming increasingly real with the rising...
Beth Bell's picture
