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Health Care

A Boob By Any Other Color: On Breastfeeding and Privilege

November 6, 2014
I originally posted this on my blog but thought I'd share my thoughts here as well. I'm always grateful for having another platform where my voice and opinions can be heard. This morning, I saw my girl Yanira in my text messages. I was ready to laugh at something funny or be inspired by her hustle...
Sili Recio's picture
Take Action!

Why MomsRising joined with 1,200 organizations for children's health

November 5, 2014
Just as focus is turning to what may happen during the upcoming lame duck session, MomsRising has joined with 1,200 other national, state, tribal, and local organzations to call on Congress to continue funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). That's because moms know how important investing in children's health is for our families, communities, and country. Children's health is a top priority for MomsRising supporters and we believe it should be for Congress, too.
Felicia Burnett's picture

6 Maneras de Tener Cobertura Médica Antes del Periodo Abierto de Inscripción

November 4, 2014
Obtener cuidado medico puede ser un proceso difícil para entender, particularmente si no domina el ingles. A mis padres no les fue fácil navegar este proceso y por ellos quisiera asegurarme que a nadie le pase lo mismo. Mis padres tienen 26 años viviendo en los Estados Unidos. El español es su...
Maria Beltran's picture

MomsRising #WellnessWed end of the year Twitter Chat calendar!

October 31, 2014
Are you a fan of our MomsRising #WellnessWed Twitter Chats? Wednesday, November 5. Premature Birth Awareness Month with Guest(s): March of Dimes Wednesday, November 12. Pregnancy and baby oral health with Guest(s): Children's Dental Health Project Wednesday, November 19. Open enrollment healthcare...
Nina Perez's picture

Nov. 4: It's All About Women

October 30, 2014
The other day I read a statistic that made me laugh a little. It said women’s issues are shaping up as the second-biggest issue among voters this year, behind only the economy. Really? I don’t think so. We are the economy. Women’s issues, family issues, are economic issues. And, as we know every...
Liz Shuler's picture

Moms Say Thanks to Mayors for Leadership on Connecting Children and Families to Health Insurance

October 30, 2014
** This post was written by Chuan Teng at the National League of Cities (NLC). It originally appeared on NLC’s blog CitiesSpeak . ** Moms have gotten wind of NLC’s Cities Expanding Health Access for Children and Families initiative (CEHACF) and are telling mayors “thank you” for taking the lead on...
Chuan Teng's picture

Beyond “The Talk”: New Research on Talking to Your Kids About Sex and Relationships

October 29, 2014
By Leslie Kantor, Vice President of Education, Planned Parenthood Federation of America October marks Let’s Talk Month, aimed at getting families talking about sexuality and relationships. For those of you who think you’ve got this covered, think again. New research shows that while most parents...
Leslie Kantor's picture

¡Pídale al Congreso que continúe el financiamiento para CHIP!

October 24, 2014
¡Siempre se siente muy bien cuando una inversión ha valido la pena! Y este es el caso con respecto al Programa del Seguro Médico para Niños "CHIP". Fue aprobado en el 1997 con apoyo bipartidista de los Republicanos y Demócratas y junto con el programa Medicaid, ha ayudado a reducir el número de...
Nina Perez's picture

Back on the Job: Employee Protections Following a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

October 24, 2014
The story is all too common. After months of fighting, it looks like you have finally overcome your breast cancer diagnosis. All that is left is for some follow-up treatments and to return to work. To your surprise, after having fought off breast cancer, you now find yourself in a fight with your employer over the nature of your return.
R. Scott Oswald's picture

This may not be Yelp, but these Obamacare reviews are worth reading

October 23, 2014
When I need to buy something, be that my bed sheets or a new phone, I comb through online customer reviews to help me determine what I want to buy. So why not do the same with health coverage?
Nina Perez's picture
