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Health Care

Reporting income changes to the health insurance marketplace

September 22, 2014
If you just switched jobs, have a fluctuating income as a small business owner, or work as a contractor—you may need to report income changes if you purchased a health plan on the health insurance marketplace this last enrollment period. More info after the jump...
Nina Perez's picture

5 reasons I take retreats

September 15, 2014
“Are you listening to your life–what is it trying to tell you?” Renee Trudeau Stephen Cope, MSW, author and director of Kripalu’s Institute for Extraordinary Living says retreats don’t change our lives as much as they change where we stand in relationship to our lives—and our capacity to see the...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Raise your voice!

Raise your voice: Tell us why CHIP Matters!

September 11, 2014
I serve zucchini at least twice a month in my house. Each time it's the same story: my seven-year-old son tells me he doesn't like it (because it's a vegetable - "Yuck Mom!"). Then I remind him that he does actually like it and ask him to try it anyway because it's good for him. It takes some...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Once again, Medicaid saved the day

September 9, 2014
I have relied on Medicaid for both my daughter and I on and off since she was a toddler. Not long after graduating with my MA in Family Counseling, my daughter and I were left without health insurance, since I was no longer allowed to purchase the university's group health plan. With my first job...
Anna's picture

Employers of nursing mothers think outside the bathroom stall

September 2, 2014
A provision was added to the Affordable Care Act in 2010 requiring that employers “provide a reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child...and a place, other than a bathroom...which may be used by an employee to express breast milk.” The health benefits of breastfeeding for babies and mothers is widely known. Did you know that employers benefit, too?
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

Se Puede Inscribir a Covered California el 1ero de Octubre de 2013

September 1, 2014
Covered California comenzó registrar pacientes el 1ero de Octubre de 2013, con el inicio de cobertura el 1ero de Enero de 2014. Éste fue un periodo emocionante, ya que las comunidades de color representan dos-tercios de los 2,7 millones individuos que podrán tener los requisitos para obtener...
California Pan-Ethnic Health Network's picture

Mi embarazo de montaña rusa con mis hijas gemelas

September 1, 2014
Si usted me ve hoy, usted probablemente asumirá que mi vida es tan ‘perfecta’ como puede ser humanamente posible. Tengo un gran esposo, unas hijas gemelas saludables y hermosas, apoyo constante de nuestras familias, un hogar en un vecindario seguro, y mi propio negocio. Y ¿adivine qué? Sí, es...
Carla Curiel's picture

Medicaid de Texas Importa

September 1, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . Ayer, me uní a miles de otros Tejanos para marchar en el Capitolio y enviar el mensaje de que el Medicaid de Texas importa. La marcha, la coalición y las visitas legislativas organizadas por Texas Well and Healthy unieron a las personas de todas...
Charlie Rose's picture

Consumer Reports Revela la Nueva Herramienta de Internet para Ayudar a los Consumidores a Navegar La Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio

September 1, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . YONKERS, NY — Consumer Reports, la organización de servicio al consumidor sin fines de lucro que ha estado empoderando a los consumidores por más de 75 años, lanzó, una herramienta de internet innovadora que ofrece una guía...
Elena Chavez's picture

El Cuidado Preventivo Importa

September 1, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . No estar asegurado significa que usted frecuentemente tiene que esperarar hasta que "se acabe" su enfermedad, o sólo busca tratamiento cuando las cosas están realmente mal. He estado en esa situación. Lo he hecho. ¿Pero no sería grandioso que un...
Letisha Marrero's picture
