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Health Care

Do your kids play enough?

November 8, 2011
Raise your hand if you believe that your kids need time and space to play outdoors! Here's the sad truth: There is a Play Deficit in our country, and it’s harming our children. Too many families don't have a playground within walking distance of their home. Paranoia is trumping common sense,...

My Newborn’s ‘Baptism’ into a Toxic World: His first bath with J&J Baby shampoo, and the need for the Safe Cosmetics Act

November 8, 2011
Before the birth of my first child, my husband and I did ALL the research. We read books on pregnancy, fetal development and the birth process. The desire to bring our child into the safest world we could create for him was really the driving force behind these preparations. We searched for...

Tips Tuesday: Green Holiday Travel

November 8, 2011
Surprise: It’s November! Do you have your holiday travel plans together yet (spoiler alert: I don’t either). As you figure those out, here are a few quick and easy tips to make your travel experiences a little greener this holiday season. Pack lightly: Packing less is easy when you plan ahead, and...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Five Tips for the Non-Toxic Chef

November 1, 2011
Creating non-toxic food isn't just about buying healthier foods or cooking at home; you have to make sure your cooking space and habits aren't home to hidden chemicals. While I've been detoxing my kitchen and cooking practices, I've come across a few easy tricks to lighten your chemical load in the...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with light pink flowery background and a circle in the foreground that reads, "Shopping for pink products is never going to stop breast cancer."]

Why we can’t shop our way out of breast cancer.

October 27, 2011
By Mia Davis and Amy Lubitow We’re sure you’ve noticed: October is breast cancer awareness month. You can’t miss the deluge of pink ribbons on every store shelf, on NFL players, jewelry, cosmetics. Even the White House went pink this month . Pink ribbons are big business. At present, 1 out of 8...

A Green Makeover for Your Cleaning Supplies

October 25, 2011
My worst toxic chemical catastrophes all have to do with cleaning emergencies. Erupting late night sinks, followed by a newly filthy kitchen floor. Grocery stores that aren’t open, budgets that can’t accomodate a last minute batch of organic cleaning supplies, home emergencies at odd hours when my...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Show Congress How to Celebrate Food Day

October 24, 2011
Family dinners, backyard BBQs, even that rare long lunch with old friends: Food brings us together, and helps us make memories. Today is Food Day, and we’re celebrating the power and the possibility of food. Thousands of people across the country are coming together to alleviate hunger, improve...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

With Child Poverty on the Rise, Can the Super Committee be Champions for our Kids?

October 18, 2011
The recent release of the new census data should serve as a stark reminder to the 12 members of the Congressional “ Super Committee ” that our nation’s children are in crisis. Overall, the data revealed that the number of children living in poverty has risen to a record 16 million . That’s greater...
Jared Solomon's picture

Detox Your Workday and Green Your Office

October 18, 2011
Your workday may be difficult or carefree, happy or less so, busy or boring. No matter how your day at the office is going (and I hope it's going well), the one thing it shouldn't be is toxic. Offices and workday rituals can contain the same toxic chemicals that show up in our homes. Try these five...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Junk Food Doublespeak

October 17, 2011
Cross-posted from . An apple a day and eating your peas led to good health, we once thought. Now, according to major food manufacturers, fruits and vegetables are “ job killers ” that will devastate the American economy. Photo credit: James Vaughan (via Flickr). In April of this...
Donald Cohen's picture
