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Health Care

A Woman’s Work on Economic Equality is Never Done

August 25, 2011
A divorced janitor, a 27-year employee and the mother of a seventeen-year old son with the mental capacity of an 18-month old, fails to report for mandatory overtime one Saturday when her son’s caregiver could not work because of a sick child. She calls twice and leaves a message for her manager...
Kristin Maschka's picture

Boost Social Security benefits to close women's pay and caregiving gap

August 25, 2011
By Tatsuko Go Hollo, EOI Intern It’s no secret that women are paid less than men across many industries. It’s also been well-documented that women are much more likely than men to work part-time . Unfortunately, employees who work part-time are often ineligible for essential benefits , such as...

This time, vote like you mean it!

August 25, 2011
By Cindy Pearson, co-founder, Raising Women's Voices for the Health Care We Need That’s what I think every time I tell myself not to get discouraged about the attacks on health care reform. It wasn’t quite so hard back in the spring of 2010, when the attacks were just on health care reform. After...

Breastfeeding Backlash?

August 25, 2011
Ironically, at a time when the significant short and long-term health benefits of breastfeeding are becoming widely recognized, women around the country are facing both rhetorical and direct attacks on their decision to breastfeed. While every major medical authority is working tirelessly to...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Creating a Safe Space in the Most Obvious Place: At Home

August 25, 2011
By Alicia Gay, ACLU Liberty Center As a little girl from Kansas once said, “there’s no place like home,” and she was right. All of us may have a different notion of what “home” is, but ultimately we can agree home should be a place where we can feel comfortable and safe. Unfortunately for too many...
ACLU's picture

Your Genes, Your Rights

August 25, 2011
By Sandra Park, Staff Attorney, ACLU Women’s Rights Project When you hear about patents on human genes, women’s rights might not immediately come to mind. Yet, a woman’s right to access medical care, make informed medical decisions, and benefit from scientific research is at the core of this issue...
ACLU's picture

Commercialized Sexualization and the Choice to Opt Out

August 24, 2011
A Canadian couple's decision to keep their infant's sex from the world at large seems less weird when one consider's the harms done by the marketing industry's sexualization of young children
Susan Linn's picture

Tips Tuesday: Makeover your lunch box staples

August 23, 2011
Picture it: Perfect stacks of crackers and sliced meats, portioned and packaged in plastic. Syrupy fruits in single serve cans. Plastic thermoses full of warm canned soup. And all of these goodies gathered into a shimmering, plastic lunch box. These are the bright back to school images of lunch...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Back to school-- is your student covered?

August 22, 2011
Back-to-school season is full of changes: heading to school, choosing new classes, meeting new friends. With all of the excitement, student health insurance can slip through the cracks. But health coverage is critical to make sure students stay healthy and financially secure. Young adults need...
Aaron Smith's picture

Want to Breastfeed Your Baby? You're Fired!

August 16, 2011
By Galen Sherwin, ACLU Women's Rights Project, and Rebecca T. Wallace, ACLU of Colorado Imagine you've recently come back to work after maternity leave and you're using every last minute of your break time to pump breast milk to feed your baby at home. You just need a little help from your employer...
ACLU's picture
