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Health Care

Take BPA Off of Your Grocery List

September 22, 2011
Hundreds of studies have linked BPA to serious health problems , including cancer, heart disease, obesity, and a number of reproductive issues. With 2 billion pounds of BPA produced annually in the US, it’s no wonder that 93% of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their bodies . So with BPA...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Eww. What’s that Stench? Volatile Vinyl.

September 22, 2011
Know that new plastic shower curtain smell? Smells good you say? Well not so fast. The familiar new shower curtain smell may be toxic to your health. When you open a new PVC (aka vinyl) shower curtain, you’re immediately hit with a strong chemical odor, which may persist in your home for days,...
Mike Schade's picture

Outrage: BPA is in Canned Foods for Kids, Even Organic!

September 21, 2011
Toy Story. Disney Princesses. Dangerous toxic chemicals. One of these things is not like the others, right? Wrong. A new study by the Breast Cancer Fund shows that the dangerous toxic chemical BPA appears in a wide variety of canned foods specifically marketed towards kids like Campbell's Disney...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

MomsRising Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month – ¡Con Mucho Gusto!

September 21, 2011
On the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 to October 15, MomsRising is celebrating Latina mothers across the United States, ¡Con Mucho Gusto! (With great pleasure.) With a population of 50 million in the United States (1), Latinos have and will continue to contribute to our country...
Kristin's picture

Kick it to the curb?!

September 20, 2011
Sometimes when I open the newspaper, I feel like throwing it right back out to the curb. (No disrespect intended to the curb.) Last week, for example, there was the terrible new census data report that nearly one in six Americans is living in poverty, and one in four babies born in America right...
Donna's picture

5 freedoms I enjoyed in school that my daughter won’t

September 19, 2011
At six months pregnant, like most moms and moms-to-be, I’m finding plenty of things to worry about. When I’m not fretting over my daily calcium intake or environmentally friendly diaper options, I find myself plagued with anxiety about the longer-term realities of child rearing today. I want to...

Chlorpyrifos for lunch? No thanks.

September 15, 2011
As parents, we have plenty on our minds as we settle into a new school year — new teachers, carpools, sibling rivalry — the list goes on. We really shouldn't have to add this: apples and peaches we're packing in our kids' lunchbags may expose them to chlorpyrifos, a pesticide known to lower IQs and...
Kristin Schafer's picture

Top 5 Tips for Working and Breastfeeding

September 15, 2011
While the U.S. still has a long way to go to make employment breastfeeding-friendly for all babes, there has been some great progress recently, and more women are getting into the working and pumping groove. Who knows, some day soon, the water cooler may be eclipsed by the lactation lounge as the...

UPDATED!- Jump on the (good) bandwagon, Gov. Brown!

September 14, 2011
Last week, California legislators came together across party lines (yes, you read that right!) to support a bill that would prevent a 37% budget cut to our state’s Healthy Families Program. Hooray! The Healthy Families Program provides health insurance to nearly 900,000 children in California. This...
Ashley Boyd's picture

How to Take BPA Off the Menu

September 13, 2011
Over 90% of Americans have detectable levels of bisphenol-A in their bodies, which makes BPA one of the most pervasive toxic chemicals in our modern lives . Scary stuff, considering that studies link BPA exposure to breast cancer, infertility, early onset puberty, ADHD, and obesity . You can reduce...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
