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Health Care

3 (surprising) reasons I keep doing yoga

August 30, 2016
This weekend I was on the massage table when out of the blue my therapist asked, “What do you do to heal when someone close to you dies?” I thought for a moment–having experienced a lot of loss in my family–and answered, “I do yoga.” I have found conscious movement and breathing–experienced through...
Renee Trudeau's picture

MomsRising Calls Mylan’s Announcement It Will Provide Coupons to Offset EpiPen Price Increase ‘Inadequate and Cynical’

August 25, 2016
“ In the wake of public outcry and the threat of a U.S. Senate investigation, Mylan today announced that it won’t actually LOWER the cost of its lifesaving EpiPens, but will offer a discount coupon to some purchasers. Given that the company has increased the cost of this crucial medication 450...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!

OUTRAGEOUS. Tell the CEO of Mylan: It's Time to Bring the Price of EpiPens Down!

August 24, 2016
“Where’s your EpiPen?” I’ve asked that question more times than I can count. I'm the mom of a food allergy kid. I have the sleepless nights. The grey hairs. The worry lines of that fate. My son, Connor, has had life-threatening anaphylactic allergies to foods—including to eggs—since shortly after...
Kristin's picture

Wellness Wednesday Recap: Surgeon's General Call to Action On Breastfeeding #RisersNBM16

August 24, 2016
We are rounding the corner around the last week of National Breastfeeding Month! This week, our tweetstorm focused on the Surgeon General's call to action on breastfeeding, stats and lots of information. Did you miss it? That's okay! Here's the recap.
Sili Recio's picture

A High School Report Card

August 23, 2016
I just dropped my son off at soccer tryouts. He starts high school (yikes!) in less than two weeks. We've been talking about and planning for this big day for some time now. He's excited and nervous. So am I. And I think he might be getting a little tired of how much I remind him of the importance...
Mary Beth Maxwell's picture

7 back-to-school strategies to promote less stress & more flow

August 23, 2016
It’s 1976. I’m in fifth grade and standing by our front door with my red plaid backpack. My eyes scanning, I watch my four younger brothers dart from room to room. My stomach is in knots. It’s 7:45 a.m. We should have left fifteen minutes ago. Lunches are half-made, my brothers are shooting...
Renee Trudeau's picture

With Each Passing Moment

August 19, 2016
I always assumed I would breastfeed -- naively so, not giving a second thought as to any potential barriers or complications. And thankfully, even with a few small hiccups like tongue tie and delayed milk production, I was able to do just that. But I never expected how empowering and important I...
Lauren Hipp's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Breastfeeding On-Duty with WIC

August 19, 2016
Imagine flying from Italy to Spain, then boarding another plane from Spain to Virginia, and finally, driving down from Virginia to Tennessee all in a matter of days just to turn around and fly out to California. Sounds exhausting, right? Now add a 5-month-old breastfeeding baby to the mix who is...
Heather Stephens's picture

The Most Natural Thing In The World

August 18, 2016
So August is the National Breastfeeding Month, I wonder how many people other than moms who breast feed know that such a day exists. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world so why do people have such strong opinions about how and where it can and cannot be done? Since becoming a mom, I...
Jehanara Haider's picture

Wellness Wednesday Recap: Breastfeeding and Healthcare #RisersNBM16

August 17, 2016
We are in week 3 of National Breastfeeding Month! This week we chatted about breastfeeding and healthcare. If you missed it, that's okay! Here is the recap!
Sili Recio's picture
