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Shape of the state of Georgia

Georgia, ¡en sus marcas, listos, VOTEN!

November 2, 2022
¡En sus marcas, listos, VOTEN! ¡Es hora de prepararnos para las elecciones de noviembre de 2022! Las elecciones de noviembre son extremadamente importantes y hay MUCHAS cosas en juego para las mamás y los niños. ¡Por eso MomsRising se está esforzando para compartir tanta información relevante como...
Mamas Con Poder's picture
Shape of the state of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania: ¡En sus marcas, listos, VOTEN!

November 2, 2022
¡En sus marcas, listos, VOTEN! Pennsylvania: ¡Es hora de prepararnos para las elecciones de noviembre de 2022! Las elecciones de noviembre son extremadamente importantes y hay MUCHAS cosas en juego para las mamás y los niños. ¡Por eso MomsRising se está esforzando para compartir tanta información...
Mamas Con Poder's picture

Florida, ¡en sus marcas, listos, VOTEN!

November 1, 2022
¡En sus marcas, listos, VOTEN! Florida: ¡Es hora de prepararnos para las elecciones de noviembre de 2022! Las elecciones de noviembre son extremadamente importantes y hay MUCHAS cosas en juego para las mamás y los niños. ¡Por eso MomsRising se está esforzando para compartir tanta información...
Mamas Con Poder's picture
No "ghosting" on voting!

A Spook-tacular way to help get out the vote!

October 31, 2022
You know what’s really spooky? The thought of people not voting! Today, as many are celebrating Halloween and visiting their neighbors’ houses, it’s the perfect time to help get out the vote (GOTV) while trick-or-treating! Quick action: Download our spooky GOTV tag to take with you to trick-or-...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Just two weeks until the election. Are you ready?

October 25, 2022
Ready, set, VOTE! There’s just two weeks until the 2022 General Election and it’s time to get ready to vote! Every election is a bright new chance for our country! We can make the future we want for our kids and our families. Put your mark on the map to show others that you’re voting. This will...
Felicia Burnett's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of the state of New Hampshire.]

New Hampshire: Ready, set, VOTE!

October 13, 2022
Ready, set, VOTE! New Hampshire: It’s time to get ready for the upcoming November 2022 election! The November elections are critically important – and there’s a LOT at stake for moms and kids. So we at MomsRising are working hard to share as much relevant information as possible to help you have a...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Illinois, Ready, set, VOTE!

October 13, 2022
Ready, set, VOTE! Illinois: It’s time to get ready for the upcoming November 2022 election! The November elections are critically important – and there’s a LOT at stake for moms and kids. So we at MomsRising are working hard to share as much relevant information as possible to help you have a great...
Tasmiha Khan's picture

Can you help us send voting reminder postcards to 1 million moms?

October 6, 2022
The 2022 midterm election on Tuesday, November 8th is less than 5 weeks away. From the streets to the ballot box, moms are making our voices heard and inspiring our kids and communities. This year, help us mobilize moms to vote for the future we want to see for our loved ones and ourselves!...
MomsRising's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of a round sticker with wavy edges that reads "Mom Platform: Mom Crafted, Mom Approved"]

Introducing The Mom Platform: Mom Crafted, Mom Approved

October 6, 2022
We are introducing the “Mom Platform: Mom Crafted, Mom Approved” -- a comprehensive, mom-powered policy platform that we’ll be giving to every candidate for President. And by “Mom Crafted” we mean crafted by YOU! Check it out:
MomsRising's picture
Variety of women standing side by side with their right fists raised in the air.

Decídete a votar, ¡no olvides registrarte!

September 16, 2022
“El voto es valioso. Es la herramienta pacífica más poderosa que tiene una sociedad democrática y debemos usarla.” -John Lewis ( Global Citizen ) Cada año el Proyecto Nacional de Registro de Votantes no solo educa a los ciudadanos sobre la importancia de votar, sino que también, con la ayuda de...
Jacqueline Jackson's picture
