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Paid Family Leave

Making Work Work: We Need Paid Family and Medical Leave #FAMILYAct

December 12, 2013
This post originally appeared on the AAUW website . Since the Family and Medical Leave Act was signed into law in 1993 , its job-protected leave has been used more than 100 million times to help employees recover from their own major medical situations or to care for loved ones. Because so many...
Anne Hedgepeth's picture

Paid Family Leave Benefits All Families #FAMILYAct

December 12, 2013
Note: This blog is also set to appear with permission on MomsRising As a California working mother, I join parents and caregivers across the country in applauding the introduction of the FAMILY Act today. As part of an advocacy community that helped pass California’s Paid Family Leave law, I know...
Jenya Cassidy's picture

Paid Family Medical Leave Shouldn't Be A Luxury #FAMILYAct

December 12, 2013
Twenty years ago, Congress passed the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), mandating that certain employees receive job-protected unpaid leave to care for an immediate family member, a newborn, or a newly adopted child. Signing the law on February 5, 1993, President Bill Clinton said, “Family and...
Gaylynn Burroughs's picture

Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Law Would Help Employers Do Good and Do Well #FAMILYAct

December 12, 2013
When fast food workers bravely took to the streets in September to protest the unlivable wages that many earn, the media shone a spotlight on the exploitative and unsustainable practices of some large employers. But while these unscrupulous businesses deserve all the attention they are getting,...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

Take It From Moms: America’s Families Need the FAMILY Act

December 12, 2013
Stephanie was the sole breadwinner for her family when her twins were born three months early and had to be hospitalized. The Wisconsin mother did not have access to paid family leave through her employer, and she couldn’t afford to lose any income by taking unpaid leave. So she went back to work...
Debra Ness's picture

Introducing the #FAMILYAct: A MomsRising Blog Carnival

December 12, 2013
At MomsRising, we hear from our members every day about how lack of access to paid family leave (including maternity and paternity leave) has created economic instability for their families. But it’s not surprising that we hear from so many people: In the U.S., only 12 percent of workers have...
Kristin's picture

Women Who Code – Why Including Motherhood in STEM Discussions Matters

December 12, 2013
With millions of students taking part in “Hour of Code,” a campaign supported by technology companies as part of National Computer Science Week , there is a lot of internet chatter about the importance of high-tech skills in an innovation economy. By late Tuesday, more than 60 percent of the...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

The FAMILY Act - Stitching Up a Hole in the Safety Net

December 10, 2013
I will be strapping on my snow boots and slogging up the Hill later this week to see star legislators Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Rosa DeLauro introduce a bill that would provide most workers with 12 weeks of partially paid leave for a birth, adoption, or to deal with their own or...
Valerie Young's picture

Generation Zero—Why Millennials, And All of Us, Need Family-Friendly Laws

November 26, 2013
A survey of recent University of Pennsylvania Wharton School graduates reveals that many young adults are planning to solve the work/family crunch by removing family from the equation. Only 42% of the undergraduate class of 2012 plans to have children, compared to 78% of the class of 1992,...
Elizabeth Gedmark's picture

Bringing Dads to the Table…and the Home

November 20, 2013
Cross-posted from A Better Balance's Blog. At first, Josh Levs thought his employer’s policy on paid family leave was a simple mistake. His company, Time Warner, offers new mothers ten weeks of paid time off after giving birth. Women and men who have children through adoption or surrogacy also...
Liz Reiner Platt's picture
