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Paid Family Leave

Being a Low-Income Mother; Then and Now

May 6, 2014
In 1996, Bill Clinton officially announced that motherhood was not work. He did this through his Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act . This legislation stated that people could no longer receive benefits unless they fulfilled 30 hours per week of out-of-home work requirements. Clinton...

Moms Know How to Unite Us: Congress Should Follow their Lead and Pass FAMILY Act

May 5, 2014
Mothers often act us “uniters” in families, whether it’s settling petty sibling squabbles, or managing the more serious rifts and challenges that so many families face. And, more and more, moms bring families together as primary or sole breadwinners. Given this role, perhaps it’s not surprising...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

Making Women’s History: From Patsy Mink to Paycheck Fairness

April 8, 2014
I was a bit surprised by the lack of coverage for Women’s History Month this year, particularly in the state where I live, since so many women who improved the lives of working families were pivotal to Hawaii's history. It is essential that we continue to remember these women. While many people are...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

Valuing America's working families: A Blog Carnival on Powering the Engine of America's Economic Growth

April 7, 2014
Our country's greatness was built on valuing America's working families. At MomsRising and Progressive States Network, we believe that in America, more families should be joining a thriving middle class than falling out of it -- powering the engine of America's economic growth and national...

Gross Domestic Product - What if you got paid to raise your children?

April 4, 2014
The idea to write a play about motherhood came to me when I was writing my last play, Flipside and nursing my second child. Actually, it had been gestating since the day I was nursing my first child and complaining to my HartBeat Co-Artistic Director Greg Tate that the intersecting struggles of...

Baseball more important than the birth of your child. Seriously?

April 4, 2014
What’s more important than the birth of your child? Baseball. Obviously. Just kidding. April Fools' Day is over! But apparently New York sports radio hosts Craig Carton and Boomer Esiason -- who is also a legendary NFL quarterback -- didn’t get the memo when they lambasted Mets' second baseman...
Kristin's picture

What Would Gloria Do? #WWGD

March 12, 2014
The first MAKERS CONFERENCE was held in February, including a celebration of the life and work of Gloria Steinem. In honor of her eightieth birthday, it featured a video with touching and funny statements from Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Katie Couric, and others about Steinem's...
Nanette Fondas's picture

Brigid Schulte is Overwhelmed - and So Are You! Part One

March 10, 2014
Author Brigid Schulte has a job, a house, a husband, several children, and a whole lot of stress. She's also just written a book, available online and at your favorite bookstore, called Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time , about how we've taken on way more than we can handle...
Valerie Young's picture

Isaac Luria for #DoubleBooked: Building Human-friendly Workplaces that Value the Human Spirit

February 26, 2014
This blog originally appeared on February 25, 2014 as part of the Religious Action Center’s blog series “Double Booked: A Conversation about Working Families in the 21st Century.” Double Booked deals with the many issues that affect working families, and features everything from personal stories to...
Rachel Laser's picture

Fair Workplace Policies, Paternity Leave and More in Weekly Blog Roundup

February 24, 2014
"The greatest gift that we have as human beings is our ability to empathize." These words are attributed to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas. Empathy is just one of the big topics covered in the MomsRising blog posts this past week. Check out the top five blogs...
Anita's picture
