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Paid Family Leave

Take Action!

Tell your Senator to co-sponsor the FAMILY Act!

July 10, 2014
Did you know that only 12% of Americans have access to paid family (maternity/paternity) leave in the United States? And that having a baby is a leading cause of poverty spells in this country? Do you find that appalling? Me too.
Ruth Martin's picture

Great Work Cultures Big Tent Initiative -- Moving from Command and Control to Respect and Empower

July 7, 2014
Turns out that pretty much all the good work culture practices that are good for moms are good for everybody. And movements are more powerful when they inspire everybody!
joan's picture
Take Action!

Sign our thank you card to keep the MOMentum going!

June 26, 2014
Do you have a second to sign a very important thank you card to the White House? Click here to sign on to the thank you card now! Why the card? Well, we (and you) just had a… drumroll please…. MAJOR VICTORY!
Kristin's picture
Take Action!

Work Over Family? Why Family Values in the Workplace Matter To Me

June 25, 2014
As a single mother of an energetic 4-year-old, I know the difficulty of balancing a demanding career while single-handedly providing for my daughter, and making time to enjoy the first years of her young life. As much as I was overcome with joy when I first held her in my arms, I also understood that the decision to be a single mother and head of household would require many difficult choices and sacrifices such as putting my career growth on hold. But I was prepared for the challenge. Those difficulties began just before my daughter was born.
Lizette Escobedo's picture

¿Trabajo en vez de Familia? El Porqué los Valores Familiares en el Trabajo son Importantes para Mí

June 25, 2014
Esta semana tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la Conferencia sobre Familias Trabajadoras de la Casa Blanca, en donde pude conocer a defensores, líderes laborales, medios de comunicación, y a otras madres trabajadoras, todos buscando la manera de resolver temas como la flexibilidad en el trabajo,...
Lizette Escobedo's picture

Major victory for the movement!

June 25, 2014
MAJOR VICTORY!'s top policy priorities & members were prominently featured at the The White House Summit on Working Families--and also in their blog recap of Monday's Summit!
Kristin's picture

Why Economics is a Family Issue: Getting Ready for the White House Summit on Working Families

June 21, 2014
My mom was sitting across from me at the kitchen table, coloring a kite for me to take the 837 miles from my home in Florida to Washington, DC.
Meredith Tweed's picture

You're Invited: SEIU Facebook Chat on Working Families

June 19, 2014
Today, too many working Americans are falling further and further behind. Thanks to decades of failed policies, there just aren’t enough good jobs with good pay or access to quality, affordable child care and health care services for enough of America’s workers. How can we begin to fix this? It’s a...
Courtney-Rose Dantus's picture

Moms deserve to bond with their nuggets without losing sleep

June 18, 2014
When I found out I was expecting the best thing ever (my baby boy!) I had just turned 23 years old. I had finally moved out on my own with my husband and been employed with my company going on two years. Unfortunately, my joy was short lived and I was rapidly overwhelmed with worries about money...
Stephanie Montanez's picture

Calling Young Artists! National Contest to Raise Awareness About Poverty

June 16, 2014
With the swipe of a paintbrush or click of a camera, your child can make a difference in the fight to end poverty. Not only that, they have the chance to win exciting prizes, and have their artwork showcased in a national campaign. As part of our mission to build the political and public will to...
Melissa Boteach's picture
