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Paid Family Leave

Chipping Away at the Glass Ceiling: An Overview of Employee Protections for Women in the Workplace

February 6, 2015
Fortunately, there exist myriad protections for women who believe they are being discriminated against by their employer. What is unfortunate, however, is the extent to which many are unfamiliar with these protections. The purpose of this article is not to provide a comprehensive review of all of the employment discrimination statutes relevant to women in the workplace; rather, we seek only to offer a brief overview of the statutes that specifically protect women from discrimination and provide some pointers on how women can exercise their rights under each.
R. Scott Oswald's picture

Happy Anniversary, FMLA!

February 5, 2015
Join us in wishing the Family and Medical Leave Act a happy 22nd anniversary! In this brief video , Carmen Berkley, director of the AFL-CIO Office of Civil, Human and Women's Rights, tells us why the FMLA is important and stresses the need for an additional paid sick leave law. Next week, the...
Liz Shuler's picture

The Ins and Outs of President Obama’s FY2016 Budget

February 3, 2015
The President's budget is hundreds of pages! Have no fear, MomsRising has broken it all down for you and provides you with all the things you need to know.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

The Family and Medical Leave Act: Making the Most of Your Protections

January 22, 2015
This February marks the twenty-second anniversary of President Clinton signing into law the Family and Medical Leave Act. More widely recognized by its abbreviation, the FMLA provides a bevy of protections to employees who are – or have family members who are – suffering from an illness. Perhaps...
R. Scott Oswald's picture

Is Your Pay Stuck? Let's Fix That.

January 6, 2015
We’ve heard for months that the economy is improving, except for one stubborn problem: workers’ wages aren’t rising the way they should be in a recovery. Productivity goes up, corporate profits go up, CEO pay goes way up—but most working people’s paychecks are stuck. What we haven’t heard as much about is how we can raise wages. The economy is not like the weather—it doesn’t just happen to us, and we don’t have to just sit and wait for it to get better. The leaders we elect make the policy decisions that can fix the economy. Now it’s our job to put enough pressure on them until they actually do.
Liz Shuler's picture

Leo McGarry's New Year Advice: Getting Out of the Hole Together

January 4, 2015
The second Friday before Christmas was like most of my days -- essentially -- but with some unique details. I was finishing up the update of my ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy , so I was making edits and chasing after approvals from various interviewees in...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

Support Walmart Workers

November 24, 2014
Walmart. On one hand we have the Walton family—Walmart’s owners. With almost $150 billion in wealth, they are the richest family in the nation. On the other hand, we have Walmart workers, most of whom work for less than $25,000 a year. Most are women. And this Thanksgiving, more than 1 million of them have to go to work instead of spending the full day with their families.
Liz Shuler's picture

Recognizing National Family Caregivers Month

November 20, 2014
In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month in November, the broad-based coalition of organizations pushing for the Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act are rallying online to call attention to family caregivers’ need for supportive workplace polices like the national paid family and medical leave program the FAMILY Act would establish. The effort is being hosted by Family Values @ Work, MomsRising and the National Partnership for Women and Families.
Ruth Martin's picture

National Family Caregiver Month Highlights Need to Value Women’s Work

November 20, 2014
I am a woman of many skills and trades — I have been a school teacher, and served on the board of my school district’s union. I am a board member of 9to5 Atlanta. I am a Reverend, and like the Apostle Paul, who was a tentmaker to supplement his ministry income, nine years ago the Lord placed me in a job as a home caregiver. I was in total shock when I found out that, in such an important role as caregiver, I would only be making minimum wage, and receive no benefits.
Linda Meric's picture

Why working caregivers need paid leave

November 20, 2014
Most people think of paid leave in the context of new parents who want to spend time with their newborn. But there’s another group of working people who need the support of paid family leave — and that’s caregivers.
Ai-jen Poo's picture
