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Paid Family Leave

Why working caregivers need paid leave

November 20, 2014
Most people think of paid leave in the context of new parents who want to spend time with their newborn. But there’s another group of working people who need the support of paid family leave — and that’s caregivers.
Ai-jen Poo's picture

The Club Sandwich Generation Needs Paid Family Leave

November 20, 2014
In the spring of 2006, I received two phone calls while away from home at a conference. The first call informed me that my mother of 92 years would require a second amputation. The second call informed me that my younger son, a senior in high school, had been diagnosed with non-hodgkin’s lymphoma…cancer.
Blue Carreker's picture

La Respuesta de un Padre Trabajador

November 14, 2014
Tengo tres hijos. Los míos son un poco mayores que los de usted – la mayor se acaba de ir a la universidad – y por eso me necesitan un poco menos que su bebe la necesita a usted. Pero se bien el remordimiento que siente. Y le puedo asegurar que sus hijos no la culparan por trabajar y mantener un techo sobre sus cabezas.
Tom Perez's picture

Raising the Minimum Wage and Affordable Child Care Go Hand in Hand

November 13, 2014
This post, authored by Traci Donnelly, originally appeared on . A minimum wage increase will not help families exit poverty by itself – we need other work supports that ease the economic strain on families. is dedicated to demonstrating that we know how to...
Alyssa Peterson's picture

Speaking out as a working father

November 13, 2014
We don't do nearly enough in this country to help working families balance all the competing demands on their time. It's as shocking to me as it is to you that we're the only industrialized country without paid family leave. I was just in Germany where I met a young American working for an IT company there -- he doesn't want to return to the U.S. because he and his wife have started a family and they need the paid leave.
Tom Perez's picture

Don't Forget to Vote Tuesday, and on Wednesday, Start Thinking About Running

November 2, 2014
With the General Election coming up in two days (Tuesday, mark your calendars!), articles, blog posts, emails, and tweets have been focusing on the importance of the female vote -- as both key to particular candidates securing elections, and also as a way for women and parents to ensure that issues...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

UPDATED: Let's talk about Paid Family & Medical Leave!

October 22, 2014
Celebrate National Work & Family Month with a Facebook chat about the need for paid family and medical leave!
Sara Alcid's picture

Old Fight, New Approach: Companies Profit from Parity

October 20, 2014
So you have an important job interview. Your sitter cancels. What do you do? When it happened to First Lady Michelle Obama, she packed up baby Malia, carted her into that job interview, and was completely surprised when she still landed the job.
The First Family's efforts to make sure our...
Megan Beyer's picture

11 Great Reasons to Vote

October 14, 2014
We’re just a few weeks away from an incredibly important election. The votes people cast Nov. 4 will shape our future and our children’s. I’m sure you are planning to vote, but maybe you know people who are on the fence—who think elections in non-presidential years just aren’t that important. Not...
Liz Shuler's picture

From Cuddling to Canvassing

October 14, 2014
Lately, our idea of a hot date is to fling ourselves onto the couch. Then my husband casts me a knowing glance. I nod. And the big turn on begins. With the touch of Casanova, he fondles not just one, but five remotes, as we settle in to enjoy the PBS series about Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor...
Roberta Riley's picture
