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Politics & Policy

Recognizing Signs of Abuse: A Drama in Three Acts

June 1, 2015
What is it about being a parent that makes you feel like one of those circus performers on a unicycle, teetering on a high wire while holding one of those long balancing sticks? On a daily basis, we parents have to strike just the right balance between work and play, discipline and permissiveness,...
Allison Wedell Schumacher's picture


May 26, 2015
It's a revelation that hits every parent at some point in the Goldfish-cracker and Cheerio years: I cannot protect her from everything. For me, it was in the bathroom of a Greek restaurant in Greenville, South Carolina, when she looked up at me from her toilet perch and began a conversation that...
Simon Greer's picture

Native American Youth Advocating for Their Own

May 20, 2015
Meet 5 Native American youth who overcame obstacles and beat the odds, and are now doing amazing work advocating for others in their communities.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Fact of the Week: Nearly 1 in 4 Children in the U.S. is Served by the Federal Child Support Program

May 20, 2015
Idaho's state legislature held an unusual special session to prevent the state from losing access to federal child support collection resources. These resources help more than 100,000 parents and 155,000 children in the state.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

“They Just Have to Make It Right”: The First Year of the Massachusetts Law on Standards for Pregnant Women in Prison

May 15, 2015
One year ago today, I was thrilled to have a front-row seat when the Massachusetts governor signed the pregnancy care and anti-shackling bill into law. Twelve months later, my mood is tempered by the mixed picture we see around the state, from full compliance with the law on paper to violations of...
Rachel Roth's picture

Family Detention Can't Be Fixed - It Must End

May 15, 2015
The extraordinarily brave women and children I've met in family detention facilities fled here for a chance of a better life. We must do better by them than to lock them far away from lawyers and social services in a jail dormitory with a pretty name.
Katharina Obser's picture

Mocha Moms, Inc., Announces Historic Change

May 14, 2015
Mocha Moms, Inc. announces it is expanding its mission to advocate for Mothers of color, broadening its origins 18 years ago as a support group for at-Home mothers of color. "There's been a lot of change and growth in our organization," said Kuae Mattox, National President of Mocha Moms, Inc. "Our...

Michigan Adoption-Specific RFRA Bills Would Protect the Personal Biases of Providers at the Expense of Foster Youth

May 14, 2015
State legislators in Michigan have introduced a set of bills that put at risk some of the state’s most vulnerable residents: Michigan’s more than 3,300 youth living in care. These three bills, HB 4188, 4189, and 4190, are Indiana-style RFRAs, and would permit adoption and foster care service...
Michael Porcello's picture

Criminalizing Poverty

May 8, 2015
“Held captive.” It was how one 13-year-old described the feeling of growing up poor in our wealthy nation, and for more and more Americans living in poverty, this feeling isn’t just a metaphor. The recent Department of Justice report on police and court practices in Ferguson, Missouri put a much...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Mother's Day for Peace

May 7, 2015
Let's get serious about Mother's Day. Not about the pretense: we all know that drill; it's not really about the flowers and dinners, etc. The real story is much more stark, but also quite sensational. A woman proposed it: an assertive woman who was not looking for gifts and attention, but who...
Susan Shaer's picture
